Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

An example of manganese mineralisation in the Eastern Pontide : the Ocakh (Maçka-Trabzon) manganese prospect

ABSTRACT: OcaWi manganese ore deposits are placed In the volcanic and sedimentary formations of Upper Cretaceous age as the other manganèse occurrences in the Eastern Black Sea. Region, Voleanogenlc îıyirotherıııal lore solutions are placed In very siialtow depth, so the ©re body accordingly form tease like bodies and stockwosrk depositions, Because of the sliding- which is more or less at the same age with the deposition, the important part of the ore body Is in an alloehthonous massa Especlalyl braunite and bixybite iniaeraHasatioii are common. In these minera Üzation, SiO^, and P.CX contents a«r© no tic ably high and can b& considered as metallurgical ore type. The manganese ieposlte of the .Eastern Black Sea Region are enapfacecl in different levels xelafäv® to the sea floor. Accoordmg1 to canplaceıneııjfe level, deposition forma, mâıeıraloglcal and chemical `compositions of the ore bodies are different from each others. So three main &nb-types .are distinguished.