Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

A geostatistical evoMaticm on the geochemical data of siderite samples from Deveci (Hekimhan - Malatya)

ABSTRACT: Matheıııatîc interpretation ol ili© geociîeîiıîcal «lata concerning* siderite samples from Deveci. (HeMîMİıan-Halatya) has been tried to he explained! in this paper. Fâroent-distributioa relation If elements slow the alternating: precipitation of siderite ami clay minerals, while the distribution relations in terms of trace element showing the presence of basic volcanism co -existence with precipitation. In the study, it las been tried to achieve the result that geostatistical evaluation could be usai as a method to approach genesis, considering1 the Deveci siderite bedding,