Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Some petrölogicdl and geochemictü charecteristics of the Uluktşla - Çamardt (Niğde) volcanics

ABSTRACT: Vofcanism, widely exposed in ara. area between Ulukışla and Çamardı, was effective from . Paleosene to MâcUe Eocene, Colcanies are extensively seen in the area as aglomrrat«, pillow lavas, tuffs, cones hykes and flow forecseim., in. places they slow volcanogedbnantery aspaats. Intrusive rocks are particularly wide-spread in the vicinity` of Ulukışla Om the basis of their mtnerafogical composition, the rock consist of andésite, foasrft .and rarely rhyolite *re plainly alkaline (shoshonotic) and partly subalkallne. Their major and some trace element contents indicate a volcanic are origin. Hie rmks here studied are considered to be for*ned in relation with a northword subduction zone developed in the ocean during1 the Upper Cretaceoas-Ütiddle Xjocene interval î.n the region.