Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

The mıneralogical studies of schistose rocks (Gonäiies) occurring in the BitUş - Yukarı ölek kÖyü-Süllap Bere area with a view about their origin

ABSTRACT: The regionally metamorphosed rocks of the Bitlis area which are composed of quartz, spessartite, gericite, chlorite, diopside and actinolite age determined as an interesting type of schists or gondites. These rocks contain the following ore minerals: Alabandite, pyrrothite, graphite, sphalerite, pyrite, rutile, chalcopyrite» arsenopyrite, pararammelsberglte, marcasite, fahlen and niccolite besides a small amount of titanite ,apatite, zircon and topaz. All these minerals have been investigated mineralogically in detail and the paragenetic relationship between them have been worked out. The evidence obtained from these studies suggests, that these schists for gondites) have been formed by the regional metamorphism of fine-grained clastic sedimentary rocks falling between psammite and pelite group