On the mineralogicat and brief geological investigations; and gmelic data of some antimonu» arseno pyrite, cinnaharß scheelite deposits and occurencea in Western Anatolia
ABSTRACT: This article presents an examination of the antimonite cinnabar^arsenopyriteseheellte deposits in the area surrounded by Kiraz-Halıköy-Baymdır-BoAdağ, It is shown that the antimonite exposed in the gneiss sequnee in the region of Çaylı-Tavşan Doruğu Tepe is a higher temperature formation as compared to the antimonite deposts which are devoid of berthlerite in the Overlying schists of Çayırlı-Hopuoğİu. On the other hand, the same host rocks show intergröwths of antimonite and arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and the low temperature conditions indicated by marcasite and cinnabar. The mercury deposits in the region occur along fractures and in cavities in the schists rather than in the hydrothermal quartz veins, Arsenopyrite deposits, like the antinïonite deposits which contain very small amounts of ranâomly distributed native gold grains of 40-50/u, are associated with the epigenetie hydrothermal veins of quartz in the schists and gneiss. The scheelite deposits occur along the Layering m the schiste as seen in Elmacı Gediği All tins deposits except scheelite are formed by hydrothermal mobUiiation m the sedimentary rock affected by the Variscan and Alpine Orogenies. It thtis suggests that these deposits are polygenetic m orifIn,