Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Stratigraphy of Akşehir-Yalvaç area and Ws correlation with Western Tmtfuses

ABSTRACT: Thm research hm been caxried out to investigate the stratigraphy of toe area between Yalvaç (İsparta) and Akşehir (Konya), Mie area which hau been mapped, is situated to the uôrttiera partof the Western Taunia The main at e of the research is to correlate the map area and the, other partsof the Western Tourids.The oldest Mttiostrattgraphic unit of the map area to the Caltepe Limestoııe (Lower (?*). MiddleCatnbrlam). It gradationaUy passes up M to the Sultaiidede formatton (Upper Cambrian^Lower Ordo*vîclaii) which is the most Engill quartsîte of Middle-Upper D^voniton age rests on the older formationwith an unoonfonnity. The EngiUi quartsite gradatioiiaJly passes up In to the Harlak formation* Hie sue,ceding KocataEil formation is Lower Carboniferouâ in age, Ttte Beresinek formation whtoh overlies the.Koeakizü formation is Permian In age, ` . „The Mesozoic is represented by the Hacialabaz limestone of Upper Jurassic age, The Neogene formations rest on the older formations with an angular unoonformlty# Three MthostratigrapMc units ofNeogene age have been re«ogiiteed tot tiie area. These are the Bagkonak formation (fluviatile faeies), the ^Göksogİİt formati»n (flood plain faciès) and the Yankkaya Formation (lacustrine faoies).