Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Flysoh-turbidites of the Lice-Kulp area (Diyarbakır province, BE Turkey) and thew environ, ment of deposition

ABSTBACT: HM Idee-Knlp area Includes metanıorphlc, jgııeoııs and Miocene sedimentary rooks. Themetamorphics, m part of the southern margin of the Bitlia massif, underlying the northern part of thearea have been thrust over the Miocene sedunents In south. The Miocene sediment» have been divided In tosix distlnoi formations! Üçdaınlar tarnation, as one tof these six formations, displays, on the basis of itsmembers and their reciprocal relation», the charaeteristiea of flysch facie» and turbiditte rocks. Takingthese features in to account the Ucdamlar foımattonı has been defined a» "flysch-turbldite". The flyschturbldites are typical to toe region by their well observed graded bedding to places and various BoumaIntervals. A rose diagram prepared by the measurements from seMmeotary structures (groove and flutecasts) tatioates a turbidltio current direction from OT to NW, Fossils charecterizing both shallow anddeep marble fades conditions eo.exists in the fiyscluturaidites »* the area, This situafloo probably impliesthat some materials including Algea were first deposited to shallow water and were subjected to penecomtemporaneons »lumping and redeposition by turbidity currents to a deeper environment where Globigertaeswere settling