Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Mineralogy of the Turkish Borate Deposits

ABSTRACT: Boron » one of the most mobile and least abundant element», lihr average amount of boronto the Earth`s crust being estimated at less than 10 parts per million. However, it te found in mineralswhich `Dccur in nearly all geologic environments. Although boron is «>ne of tt» rarer aid mm unevenlydistributed element» in the Earth`s crust, there are extraordinary concentrations of toron deposits on anindustrial seal« in some localized areas. >r.The known borate deposits of Turkey were dejesited in lacustrine sediments of Tertiary age duringperiods of volcanic activity wh?ch commenced İn the early Tertiary period and omftnued at least to tuebeginning of the Quaternary. All Turkish borate deposit« appear to be aMoclatetİ wMth voloiuitc activity andthey have been classified as deposits related to voles nie aettvlty.Although colemanJte, a very common calcium borate, is the predominant mineral in all boratedistrict« apart friMn Ktrka, the detaUed mineralogy of the Turkish borate deposits varies considerably. Otterprincipal borate minerals are ulexlte (sodium calcium borate) and borax (sodium borate). Borax occursonly at Kfrka, TertsoMte occurs In the B^a,tUo deposits and pandermite is ateo restofcted appeaiİBg onlyin the Bigadiç and Sultancayiri deposits.Turkey has mofle recent rapid strides towards rivalling the U.S.A. a» the world*» leading producer oifborates. Boron and borate minerals find extensive uses in today`» modern induaMes,