Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Karamadam graniia and geology arouund it

ABSTBACT: The study area located within the Olicia section o( antf-Tauru» portion of ïaurus belt Isframed within ttie northern portion of AJadafs,In this particular location at the bottom antlçaınMan metamorphits on it uncomfortably crystallizedCambrian Umeatonea Devonian-Oarboniferous-Permian limestones are unoomiortably situated. After thisage sorting-, the formations are named, accordingly.Thta granite tee aged as Hersinlan, In reference to structural assoeiattoni the base formations areaffected by Huronlan (Ak)î next to it by Oaledoian (Ac) and the upper unite are by Hercinhuı (AF) andby Alpen (A) orogenesis.