Volcanism of the Pontide Belt
ABSTRACT: In the roııtitio belt which e «moisis of the Black sea coastal ranges, Marmara region and Northwestern Anatolia volcanic aottvitfes have token place starting from Carboniferous to Recent* Volcäaic rocks cropping out In thte belt are subdivided in to nine main groups according to their age. Investigation on the origins and the mode of ocçurenc©» of, these groups have rcvailed important data on the geological evolution of the Ponttde belt, I t o Pontide belt being the Northern branch of Alpine chain may be correlated with toe BaUsan peninsula to tti© West and the little Caucasus to the East, The type of volcaimm which to pee nü or to the Pontide belt is alsn> predominanit in these areas. The origin and distribution of the volcanic rocks «rf Fermo-Carbonlferous, OMaa&iic, Uassio^ Doggerj MatauLower Cretaceous^ Upper toetoceous» Paleoeene -Eocene, Miocene and PHo-Quaternary age» which cropping` louit In various parte of the Pontide belt, have been discussed. It ha» been concluded that volcanic rocks of different ages have been developed under different condltfon».