Clay minerals in two flysch fades of different ages in Gelibolu Peninsula and some clues for burial depth
ABSTRACT: In Gelibolu PenlnsuJa olay minerals n>fsamples ftom flysoh outorops of Karaburun Formation (1000 m thick) of Early Bocine mge consisting- of alternattng nıttdstone and saıulstoiK;, and Burgas Forınalion (700 m tMck) of BfladteXate Eocene age mmMkig of sandstone, detrlta! lim^tone and claystane with tuffaeeousi ini< roalationH were investigat^l to order to assess ttueir degree of dïa^-n^sïs. Botiı flysch levels of the above mention^ formations contain abundant organic eompounds nmÛ therefore may be con« slderad as a potential source roek for petroleum. Orystallinity index and sharpness ratio of mite and presence of other clay minerals have been studied by X^ray diffraction, In clay» o* two macron fraction, sedimentary chlorite was identified by r