Direct current /resistivity sounding studies over the three dimensional dAscontmuMes im the coal mining district of Koglu-Eonguldak in Turkey
ABSTBACT: Expected aim at the Schlumberger reiîstïvity depth soUÄdliigs» along the profile teken in Kozlu coal mJnliig distrtct of Ereğli Kömür 1 şletmele i, iş to iUumina,te IOCTI geology and to deterintoé ttıe CiLrhoııiferous aged formations, whether they eadst or not, Yîsean Umöitone is the most resistive loek amoung the aU outcropping fornmtion, It forms a TT-or an HH - type discontinuity In and bisects the conductive environment along the profile. The Vellbey and glok ııîli Sandstone and blue mara a«fi©mbly ha§ about SO degrés estüwatM slop© to the south (downdlping) and limited with an electrical bsLmm&mt at an Äpproxi* mate depth of 400 meters (THH-type discontinuity). Possible existance of conductive Carbonlferoug lias no sign on the apparent resistivity eurvef unless tfie high resistivity oonstaşt are obscured its influence* Estimated stope» of the southern and the norttiern flanks of obliguëly standing. Visean limestoii© block are about 60 to W degrees to the south and 80-90 degress to the north, respectively. However, geophysieaHy, it to difficult to discriminate whether these sharp boundaries coincides with faulta, contacts or with discoiifonnilies. It iş clear that electrical resistivity sounding mea urementÄ necessary but not sufficient for inveotigating slopes, locations and forms of the discontinuités. Therefore, It is recommended to use electrical resistivity profiling technique in addition, in order to delini ite location öf th« horizontal discontinuiti!«# and to Gualyze the origines of the anomalous parts an the sounding curves. For the of continuity of the local geology» in perpendicular dlrectiott to fä& expaiiaion profile» üireo (lirnensional (S D) sturucture were reduced in to the two dlmenstonafl (2 D) e^irth. Then It was interpreted with respect to the 2 D modelling by using the reta ed anodel curves named as T,TT,H and HH- types (Ercan WB2 a and b) Although interpretotion of Wie uppearent resistivity curves for the ID assusripttoii were given in this report they were not taken in to account m making conclusive desicSon on the local geology and on the estimated geoelectrlcal section.