Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Geology of the Göksün « Af şin « Elbistan Region

ABBTBACT: In the »tûdy aıea two aUoobthonoui unit» are identiffed, One »erf these unit*; Çardak «nitemplaned before Cainpamien» conal»te of Göksün MetaopWolites, Kabaktepe I etani(*ri>hics ^d Acidic Ininisi.«Miü respectivöly, iğde Unit ©mplaeed in the region during the Lower and Middle Eocene consists ofGaf ilhan MetamorpMos and! Andırın Group yqcks,Along the Göksün vafcy, an ophîöüte assemblage developed In the Upper Portlandian-Lovvor Berriasian,erojm out. They pre^rve their primary sequential features In üpite «>£ an totonse tectonic deformation,This sequence, comprising gabbro, sheeted dyke complex, vol< imo-sedimentiiry rocks and deep seapelagic seÄnents from bottom to top, had been called and defined m Ookwim Metaophlolite,The Kabaktepe MetamorpMcs, which are probably «of Devonian age, constitute a metomofphics nappeenver on tte Göksün M*Uaophio1ïte, Bath of mme two units are cut by the Senontan (Conİasİan-SantoııİLin)a©Mlc intrusions,TOe Ereene f ornmtton of Campanlan = Maastrlcttan age and the Upper PaJeocene.IiDWër Eocene Fındıkformation, which te gradational to tiie former, overMe the Çardak Unit wltii an angular unconformity.In the studied a^ea. the Middle Eocene Ballıkısık, Miocene Salyan fomiations and flue - and coarsegrained Fecent deposits unoiwfnformably overEe allochthonous units and older formations