Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Genesis of the apatite-rich iron ore deposits, Avnik (Bingöl) region, Bitlis massif, Turkey

ABSTRACT: In the Avmlk aıea, apattte-rlch iron mm are toterbedl^d wîtti basic to İ&lfAe calo-alkaMne metmolmnâm (ca, 4Ä OMa) showing some well-preserved parphyritiô* spheruUttc and voîoaıüelastie texture»,They ar« intrudM by the Avnik and YaylÉ* graMttAï (ca. SÄO Ma). The toon ores and associated metavolcoiiù`s and granitoids are utioonfornmbly overlain by ntieaschtets and Permian marbles, which were foldedand metamorphosed during the Alpine orogeny The won ore bodies are banded, massive or âï»m mtoated M form and me located along the gmdatfionalcontact zone between the gneisses and the better-pre »rved parts of the metavoleanic sequenee. The vmmUve lonsdkkil oi^ zones ar© teaninated, 1-» millimeters to a few eenttmeters, and the banded ore zones showmagnetite-apatite lamination». The dissemtoated iron ot€» are re^onally widespread in til© metovolcaniçs, butusually are coneent^teâ adjecent to the massive ore zones.Magnetite, apatite and acttnolite are the dominant minerals to all ty^ s of depteit; accessory phases tolude feldspar» quartz, mÊm, diopside, hornblende, eroiàte and sphene, OMorite, tale, epMote, aHanite, eaMte, hematite, Mmenite and mtile are low- T retrograde minerals. Surface and near surface, magnetite eoneentmttons are always wtte â The final stage of alteration con»tet§ of a general toasformatton in togTOthite. Fluo^pattte was partly altered to hydroxy-fluorapattte and hyroxyapattte. The apatite-rich iron ares were initially formedj in a volcanic environment and it i* concluded thatthe ores formed from Immiscible Mquids which se^mted from magmas that underwent strong fraettonation,BEE data on coexisting apatite ana magnetite and on the associated metevoicamtes support this conclusion. Where the apattte-rfeh iron ores were intrudedby the AvMk granitoid, they were remobiiîzeâ to from»toekwork type veiiis of large magnetite, apatite and aotiaiolite crystals,