Upper Cretaceous carbonate and volcanogenïc flyscJı fades of the Seben region (Bolu-Turkey)
ABSTRACT: Bese imim of the Upper Cretaceous are characterised by fiysch-lMce deposits having voïcanMastie, bl^wücielastto and sMieiclastic turbtdite laye^, and they atopta^ different deposlttonaJ correspondlii® to ülope, alope-lme to bmm floor. Slope deposite emM of nodular Uknartonèsand dlaorganised sequen^s of the volcmdclmUe sediments tacfludÉiç »lumps aiwl many sand balls Thin bed död, graded Hmestone» and volcanogenio sediments Inolutlîng tuff-tufîté and lava flovv layers, belong to slopebaze. laminated sediment« which represent vawe»iype alternat^ns and cert^i sedimentary structures Indi cate being formed by finegrained turbld% ana bottom currents, on levem and flank» of deep-sea fans andaround seamouni». At the base, those flysch sequence« deposited on a deep,sea ton system in the margtoaa basin ,begin with thick, mas»i^e conglomerates of debris flow deposite. TM« pebbly unit rests on the Alfcian Cetwmanian hard-ground inc Ueated by ntoaformational breccia H^Wy variable constituents of the flysch nubfacies point to derivation from some local sourceasuch as corbonate seamâunts volcanic ^es and htehlands,