Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

A preliminary ore preparation work on the Deveci (HeMmhan-Malatya) siderite samples

ABSTRACT: M this study, ît`§ been attempted to submit the efnielii*ï«ns of the invustiffations carried out on «Mérite samples by or© preparation methods. By means of siöve analyses, ana nm^netic séparation methods; the mineral paragen^sis of IJeveci sidelit^ deposit©, frcwn top to the bottom, has btew determined as, siderii ;+ SiO2 (ait toe top) mıû siderit + SiO2 4- + Ankerit/doteanlte (toward tiie deeper level»). As a» example, Wm be^i attempted to imlïeato fia Deveci eiderite depoelte titot whethßp «eonı^trîo. uıui nıechiüii<^al classifications aocompM^ıed mly by ore prepariatloa nı^tlıocLs, mm at least b© used! a» ai iu^thoto elaoioate the geneşi» ppobl^ns or W% appIîcabLlit>^ must be tovestlgatee