Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Mineralizations at the Lead-Zinc deposits of Akdağmaâeni-YoggaU

ABSTRACT: The Akdağmadeni lead-zinc deposits are situated) along the ademelUte-regîonally metaınarpha. led rocks contact aad fount! together with sfearn formations. Three different types of ore* are observed: 1) Massive ore, 2) Disseminated ore and S) Cavity ore. The ore miiierals of the deposits and their pare genetic sequnce are as follows i inagnettte-pyrrhoMt©^ pyrtte-afsenopyritë.chalcopyrite-flîiorite-sphalerite-gal© na# In addition^ s^teelito? chalcocite-Covellîte, geottüte and smithsonite are rai^ly observed. Various geothermonieter and geobarometer techniques indicate a formsatton temperature of 80O-480QC and a pressure of ^ 500 bars. These values are compared with the field and petrologlc findings and origin of the mineralizations is discussed.