Geology and anappranch the genesis of the polymetallic min&roUsation of the area around Karadağ (Erzurum - Narman)
ABSTRACT: I B the Karadağ regioa an opMolite suit hose lower nwnbers are not complete and are »Med teotonwally thrust over the Upper Oreataoeous voleano-^edtoentary sucoesBlon. These opMolltl«, racks are c^ vered by tower.middle Eocene formation which is andeslte-dacite intercalated and bears coal seam» The utoabasic rocks Wch occur as a thin 8Ude, have catectostic textures, are mylonltized and cupletelv »er^tuuzed. Here, cumulates are not observed. The mm abundant ophloUtio rocks a« the i^troDio gabbw» of ôUnopyrostene-hdrnbleiKl gabbro and micri gabbro and overfain these spiMtto diabases In additioh ptegiag^adte intrusion« what outcrop as small areas in spUittte diabase, are present _ The poiymetaUlc mineralizations are related to the listwanite« (siltoifled and cartonitlsed serpenttnlte mo AÄcattons) whose exposures are scattered along the thrust zone. The totwanites aecomadate about ödrtv ore mtoerab whtoh are either disseminated or fill the veins and veinlets together with dolomite and silica CM the « ore «rinçais chromite fa a relict mineral of the original rock (ha^burgite), ««gnetite and NtataerMs are developed from the elements hlch were present in the structures of cMcate mtaarate of the original rock and became free daring the procces of ltetwanltteatlon, Sinc^ the original nock did not contain W Hk As Sb and Bi these elements are thought to be introduced by hydrothermal solutions, to the light of »eoMeal as`raet* «f the region, it to passible to claim that the mineralog hydrothermal »luttons originated frem the iSwer Middle Eocene dacltic volcanism.