Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

A paUoridge which eooiended between ÂnMra and Etimesgut - Batikent basins during pliocene

ABSTRACT: Motaess variations and topographic structure of the baükı floor >ùî the PMöcene and; »QM deposits in Ankara and Etîmesgut-Batakeııt basins have bmm oemimned on an ïsopaeh map ancï m structure- contour map, According to these studies and the field observations, presence of a püeoridge which extended in NB-SW dla*ection between Ankara and Efenesgut-Bafakent basms during PUocene, and that consiste of Jurassic aged İtaestanıeg and Miocene aged volcaniitea has b&m recognized, E1n,allyf deposlMon prooes-» ses of the sol deposits have been discussed to tMs study