Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Diagenetic and environmental properties of the clay minerals

ABSTRACT: Magnetic a»d environ-mental properties of the day mineral» ape vartaMe, The major diage nette phase diagrams of the argillaceous sediments and sedimentary rock faciles ûave been established by thi chemical dates of the natural phylloâlHcates, The presence erf glauciOTiite is a usefiil criteria for the mariai and shalow imarine sedîm^ts and is not affected much fey the burial diiagenesas. Chlorite» are f&mmû b} weathering of the primary micas .They replaces ilites and otheiF ûlagenesis, speeîfloaliy at the beglimlnf of metamorphtem, Smectttes are exposed to Important mtaeralogica thages which extend from the beginning of sedimentation to late stage of diagenesis. The iDceurenoe of chio rites In the sedimentary rocks M controlled by the other phases rather than their thermal stabMJty; the: Câisappêar at toe late stage of metamorph&m. lllltes form through a series of chemical reactions unde P « T conditions.