New data on the Elbistan ensimatic island-arc sediments and age
ABSTRACT: A volcanosedimentary sequence around Afşin-EIbistan, which consiste of (rock stratigraphie units including) spîMMc basait, basaltic andésite, andésite, aglomerate, tuf fite (dacite-rhyodaciteurhyolite), alkalime rhyolite (alkalin© liparite) and deep marine pelagic sediments (radiolarite, chert, limesfom© ani tor« biditic sandstone) overlying the Gökscm metaophiolite. These volcanosedimentary units which aï© presented as the Elbistan mslnıatic islmnâ-arc sequemc©,, exMMte trace» of regional, contact and cUslocafcioa (retrograde metamorphism) mtainorphism. This sequence lias been interprettei as the product of an ensiaıatic isîamd-arc eropteâ under deep marine conditions over the oceaa crust during Upper Tri assicJurassic ag© ocean crust (Göhsun metaophiolite) Neocomian (Valanginian) times.