Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Evidence for Ernst-West shortening to north of Ispmrtm angle

ABSTRACT: Geological studies on, the Neogene and `Quaternary deposits in the Şuhut-Çay area Yalva$- Geletndort area and Saltandîağ; area situated to the nortlbof of tii© İsparta angle indicate that the Neotectonic regto© is compressioııal. The Neogene deposits in this region are terrestrial, iluvfatile and lacustrine^ and overlie üneonfornıably the pre-NctDgene rocks.. Although and `vertical transitions are common in, these, deposits. Urn sequence is from to top: conglomerate, marlylimestone to the Şuhut-Çay area, conglomarafe- saııdsloııesiltetoııe ,iBarI-iîiariyllıııest`Oiı.e-,liııı.esıtone in the aYIvaç-Gelendost -area and limestone-conglomerate in th.© Sıdtan-dağ area. The tectonic structures in the Neogene depositis are iuïds and. reverse faults wMch ftrwally trend N-S, and soin.©, normal faults which trend1 E-W, The latters are observed in a small part to the Şnhut-Çay area. The Neogene deposits near1 the contacts with underlying basement are «more deformed and hav© greater dips than, the roles- far from the con tact. All these data indicate that since the Upper-Miocene this region is affected: by a compression. There is n»t any evidence for a large scale tension»! reglmg. It Is assumed thai the structure» developed under this conmressional regime cans© the; closing of the Xsparta_&ngle which Itself was a resistance to the westward movement of the Anatolian plato in `the neotoctonie period.,