Petrogenesis amd origin of green schists in the Äkäag Massif (Simaw - Kütahya)
ABSTRACT: Study area cavers the total Âfedaë and also partially Ala$am massives. There are four different; rock types in tin© region, namely; metamorpMcs, various granits, volcanucs and volcano-sediment Neogene foimaAtans, `The irotanftorphios originated by the metemurpMsm of the phylHtic charaeteiizei series, such silicates and limestones, Lower section of the metamorplılc series which is ealled to to merozonal has a p0lym«temorpW.c proper-` ties, TMs section also shows sow» Uthologie amâ pétrographie différencies with respect to the monometaniorpMc and epteonal level* In the ©plzomal upper series, the g^reensMst» has an cyclic stratifications with calcstist and metBmorphic limestones. Relating to the oiigines, there comies out an interesömg and a special conditions, M tiiese oyles ar© stadîaed geologically, petarograplıicaîy and g:eo hemically. Pefcrog^apMc and clemical properties indicate that tlie greeesMsts lave ortho (or magmaÄc) origin©, In ottier words, it is t ie product of the metamorphlsms of the sediments contetotag a«ific ani basio la¥as which has stünated thicloıess of 4#0 to 600 meters