Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Oopper Mineralizations of Beniğli-VakifkÖy

ABSTRACT: Üh@ study area to at th© Northwest of Valkifktty which belongs tô Tovos, Denizli at the Southwest AnatoMa, Oopper mlneralizatioıı occurs in the quarte-ffwuscovlte-CÄlcicMst belongtog to Pateossofe formation». In tWte formation, at Vt cuffearent places, copper mme^alizäMon are prospected and mapped. According to reserve calcutottwi», It was seem that 46 170 tons of or© with %O.0 Ou is found at our research area. In order this copper deposits to be worked, new reserves should to© cüsçoveri* For this purpose a geoeheinkiil prospecting had been done In th© In,vestfga1lon< area, primary and secondary dispersion pattern of Oti elêm©iit to the wall rock wa« studied