Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

An Approch on the Classification of the Natural Waters

ABS TRACT: To find the percentage of anlon« and cations takes tun« on the trilfeear and shaped diagram®, wMch have been used for the classification of natural waters. The proposed .classification in this paper, the allions and cations are designated with capital and small letters (A = HOO~3 + CO- , B = 8O-4, O = Cl-, a = Oa++, b = Mg++, c = Na+ K+)è The dtemönd»»haped dlagram » Is `subdivided in to nine area and denoted with roman numbers. The anton`s aM cation`s triMeear diagrams are split up In to seven groups and six subgroup Each group and subroup possess thirteen class. The groups and class are defined in order by the ani ons and by the cations. Hence, one hundred sixty nine class appear. In the classification, the percentage of ions is follow by order of growth and labeled by a staple formula, Ions of less than 80%, are not displayed in the formula, Cheraical properittos of several analysis of water can be easily identified by this classification. For example, sea water Is labeled as C-lXc in the.