Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Graphite Génération in Metamorphics Between Kezban Alam-Ehna Deresi (Afyon) Area

ABSTRACT: Metamorphie rocks that are seen m a wide area between Kezbanalanı-Eİma Deresi, are belong to the green schist faciès and had been affected by a low grade metamorphism. Hie metamorphics consist of alternations of phyllite* serieitie schist, quartz-albite-muscovite-amphibole schist, metadiabase, quartzite, marble and have been intensely altered in places - Dark black coloured graphite with variable carbon content and fine to medium thicnesses occurs wimin this metamorpic sequence. Graphite is thought to have formed by the result of metamorphism of the sedimentary rocks. A thick Mesozoic sequence that starts with basal conglomerate and continues with dolomitic and cherty limestones, oceurs further north (south of Karadağ) over the rocks formed Pre-Lower Triassie metamorphism of detritie and carbonate rocks