Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Geochemistry of the Recent Black Sea Sediments

ABSTRACT: Geochemistry of the Recent Black Sea sediments; comprising the Coccolithic, Sapcopelic and. Lutite units is largely governed by the special characteristics of the Black, Sea» related to its geology,,, morphology, biology and chemistry. According to their statistical distribution, their abondance in, the three units, and their areal distribution,,, the trace elem.en.ts in the Black Sea sediments fall, in to the "aothigerac" and "allogenic" element groups. The. aothigenic elements occur as associated largely with the auttrigenic minerals and organic: matter,, and have been syngenetieally incorporated in to the sediments. `The Sapropelic unit, is relatively more enriched in the. authigenic elements such, as- Mo, U, Co, B, Ni,, G>, V and B than, the other two units.. `These elements show trends of increasing concentration towards `the. abyssal plains of the Black Sea basin, which are generally characterized by low rates of sedimentation.. On. the other hand» the allogenic elements such as `Ti, Zr, and; Cr which are dominantly of detrital mineral origin, occur in higher concentrations in the Lutite unit than the Sapropelic and Coccolithic units. Vanadium and Ni, which appear as authigenic elements in the Sapropelic unit, present a characteristic .allogenic distribution pattern, in. the Coccolimic and Lutite units. Compared with the Lutite and. Sapropelic. units,, the Coccolithic unit is relatively elevated in Ca and Sr, which is widely due to* the CoccoMtMc shells made up of CaCC^.. Moreover, the Coccolithic unit is more enriched in SİO2 •• AI2Ö3 and TID2 than the Sapropelic: unit..Ä `Comparison of the average composition of `the Black Sea sediments with that of the deep sea sediments shows that the former are considerably depleted in many elements including Co, Ni,, Co, B, Mn. and. V. On the other hand,,, the average composition of the Black Sea, sediments is similiar to that of shales except for the higher content of Ga, and. relatively lower contents of V, Pb, Cu, Ba and Y.