Stratigraphy of the Surroundings ofKızıldağ Yayla (Adana)
ABSTRACT : The basement of the study area is located approximately 80 km NNW of Adana ; is composed of Permo-Carbonifèrous aged Karahamzauşajjı formation, which includes shallow and partly deep marine Hthologies, This unit is disconformably overlapped by the Jurasasic-Upper Cretaceous aged Demirkazık limestone which has shallow marine characters» Campanian-Üpper Maestrichtian aged turbiditic Yavca formation having deep marine characters, conformably overlaps Demirkazık limestone, Kızüdağ melange and Faraşa ophİolİtes are widely located at the northern part of the study area» and tectonicaËy placed over the older units, They were also overthrusted as two seperate nappes segment, during the late and post periods of Maestrichtian, Oligocene-Early Miocene aged non marine Gildirli formation composed of conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and mudstone is placed over the Demirkazık limestone with angular unconformity, Early-Middle Miocene aged Kaplankaya formation» which consists of back-reef sediments, is conformable with GÜdirli formation at the bottom and has vertical and lateral contact with Early-Middle Miocene aged Karaisali limestone which overlaps it.