Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Classification and faciès models of carbonates platforms

ABSTRACT: Carbonate platforms can be classified into four groups as; carbonate ramp» rimmed carbonate shelf» isolated-platforms and, drowned carbonate platforms. In this, paper, the terms of ramp, rimmed, shelf; isolated platform and drowned, platform .are used to describe gcomorphic, two-dimensional features. •Carbonate, ramps may be homoclinal or distally steepened and may have fringing o:r barrier shoal-water complex, of ooid/pellet sands, or skeletal banks Homoclinal ramps pass seaward into deeper-water, without major1 break in slope, and they lack deep-water breccias. Distally steepened ramps may be low energy, .and are. characterized by widespread, .shallow» sub wave-base mud blankets, or high energy with coastal beach-dune, complexes and widespread skeletal sand blankets.Rimmed carbonate shelves have relatively flat,tops and marked break in. slopes at. shallow-shelf edge, where they  pass into deep water.. They may be accretionary or depositional, and. bypass types include gullied, .slop, escarpment, and high- relief erosional forms Intraslielf basins, occur on. some shelves., controlling distribution, of reservoir and. source beds Isolated platforms are on rcfted continental margins» or on submarine volcanoes,. Platforms that have been, subjected to rapid .sea level rise may be incipiently drowned,, .and are characterized by raised rims, elevated patch on fine clastic blankets. The various types, of platforms change in ..response to vari.ati.ons. in sedimentation, subsidence or sea. level rise, and may form distinctive- evolutionary sequenc