Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Usage Of The Geostatistical Simulation Methods In Minemi Deposit Evaluation

ABSTRACT: Tlıe simulation approach to geological problems has received considerable attention the las! few years. Applications include determination of major geologic patterns, chemical compositions of different lithoîogical units, hydrogeological patameteis such as porosity and permeability, hydi ogeological modelling, determination of mine planning and gi ode-tonnage carves. Afler a pr elimin w y review of geostatisticat simulation, conditional and non-conditional simulation and different simulation methods will be given. Ktztlyüksek-Yataardıç (Kat santıAdana) chromium mineralisation has been considered as a case study. The data is derived from 26 drillholes distributed over the area. The total depth of the 26 drillholes was 4772 m. Using a basic statistics treatment of data, a positive low skew distribution with the mean of 4.409c the standard deviation of2.437c r and the coefficient of variation of 0.55 has been observed. Expei imental variograms representing three main directions were calculated, and the Lriging hack estimation technique. Finally, conditional simulation was done and the results and the simulation maps were prepared.