Geological investigation in the Sugöm - Gazipaşa, Antalya
ABSTRACT: The area investigated is located between the town» of Atonya and Gazipaşa, Antalya and Anamur, leel.Sedimentary section of the area age of wMoh Is determined by fossils observed, low grade metamorp^hwm to the range of low and high temperature are observed.Stratigraphy and tectonics, of the region are given under the titles of Alanya Group, Antalya Group,Aladag Group and Mantle Books.FoUowmg Upper Cretaceous, Alanya Group is sattled on Antalya Group by a probable compression tectonic. Subsequently, this mass and Hatlım nappe has undergone a secondary compression between Eoceneand Miocene, By thj» way this fwhale mass was advanced from north to south and took its new positionin the area