Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Hydrogeology of The Beşparmak (Pentadactiios) Mountains (Trnc) Karstic Aquifers

ABSTRACT: The Beşparmak Mountains are located on the Northern part of North Cyprus and lay parallel to the sea, 160 km. in length 10 km in width. Karstiflcation, potential constituent and the hydro-dynamic structure of the Mesozoic aged carbonate rocks, located at high altitudes of the Beşparmak Mountains have been investigated in this study. The Mesozoic aged carbonate roch; dolomite, dolomite limestone and reerystallized limestone are the units suitable for karstification in the exploration area. Surface area of the carbonate rocks is 84 hn2,. Chemical and isotopic samples have been collected, groundwater fluctuations have been observed and investigation wells have been opened for the definition of the karst aquifers., As the result of the geological hydrogeological, drilling and geophysical investigations it was found that the Beşparmak Mountains Karst Aquifers mas formed of independent karstic systems and a total dynamic groundwater potential of approximately 9 x 10 m /year for these systems has been determined,