Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Mining - Structure Of Ottomans

ABSTRACT: The structure of minig in The Ottoman Empire can be understood by using documents such as; verdict (hüküm), command (ferman), brevet (beraat) voucher (temessiik) which by the centre to administrator (Emin), minister of state (nazır), chief of crops (yörük çeribaşı), mine inspector (maden müfettişi) and ushers (mübaşir), a:ğyan, military officer (zabit) and related persons of mining region until! the acceptance of Field Law (1858)., It is possible to learn some informations such as; mining organisation structure, mine ownership and mining models with mineral trasfer during the Ottoman period from the documents, notebook (Divan-ı Hümayun, Darphane Ahkam Defteri,. Maden Kalemi and Tapu Tahrir Defterleri etc.) and laws in the Government Archives related to the office of Prime Minister, in detail The Ottomans have given great importance to find new ore depositos. The persons called the "prospector`"` were given a tax in order to investigate promising areas. Mine workers were free of all taxes and accepted as in military section., Problems between miners and the other people were solved by the administrator of mine according to Muslim Conanical Laws in place.

The different mining operations of the Ottomans are as follows;

.1. Mine operated by the Goverment,

2. Mine operated under the surveilance ofGoverment,

5., Mine operated by special permission for a certain time.

The mining operations of the Otoman Empire was under the Mini It is possible to examine this organisation in three different categories; A- the direction of mines and C- the persons responsible for the safety of mines.