ÖZ: The Tokat Complex: is a strongly deformed tectanosedfanentaiy mixture of low-grade metamorphic .rocks withabundant lecrystallized limestone and relatively rare, serpentinite and radiolarian chert in blocks- of variable size.. Samplesfrom the radiolarian chert blocks» found in highly crushed zones, each of which `Corresponds, to a thrust sheet, within .an imbricate -thrust zone, have yielded, a. Titbonian fossil .assemblage.They .are interpreted as tectonic inclusions emplacet within theTokat Complex alter its main post-early Pennian-pre-Liassicmetamorphism, and were, derived, from the rifting .and openingof a Neotethyan ocean.., `The presence of Tithonian. blocks within low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Tokat Complexshows` that Tethys ocean, was, in existence in this region by latest Jurassic time... We also suggest that the presence of ophiolitic sices imbricated with the Pontide basement, TokatComplex,» explains the swarm, of North Anatolian. Fault Zone(NAFZ) splays in this .region, where the NAFZ likely followed,a major pre-existing crustal weakness (