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Locating Young Faults by Means of Remote Sensing: Case of Helendale Fault Zone (S. California)

ABSTRACT: Assessment of fault: activity forms an important part of any seismic: safety program,. It begins by locating thetraces of existing faults. Fault breaks can be located `by interpretation of aerial photographs, and on the groundmapping, Remote sensing, when conducted together with existing geological and geophysical data, is a relatively fast and cost-effective method., It contributes, enormously to locating the traces of young-looking fault`breaks. Potentially active `faults can generally be recognized by topographic features or by contrast in vegetationreflecting varying groundwater depth or soil differences across the fault: traces. In this method» it is important torecognize fault-generated morphological elements,. Remote sensing is. an effective technique for evaluating thepotentially active faults.. As an example of the application of remote sensing of young faults, the Helendale faultzone in. the Mojave Desert: of southern. California was. studied in detail to detect the fault related topographic features.