Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

The Petrography And Geochemistry OfDuğkiipUi Ophiolite And Ophiolites Around Sivrihisar (Eskişehir)

ABSTRACT: The study areas located in the north-northeastof Eskişehir and Sivrihisar are situated withinIzmir — Ankara-Erzincan Zone, consisting, of therock units related to subduction, obduction,ophiolitic melange, HP/LT metamorphism andmagmatism developed during collision betweenSakarya Zone and Anatolide. -Tauride Blockresulting from, closure of the northern branch ofNeotethyan Ocean..According to field observation. andmicroscobic investigation, ophiolite slabs exhibitdismembered and inverted series and reflect thecharacteristics of supra-subduction zone (SSZ)type ophiolites.