Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Isotop Hydrology Studies Of Beypazarı. Trona Mine Area,Ankara

ABSTRACT: Trona mine located in the Beypazarı city? and surrounded by the Başören, Bağözü and Çakıloba villages,, overlays an area of 9 km" approximately. Aim of the study is to investigate the probable hydro geology events during the mine management and determine solutions. Karadoruk and Çakıloba Formations are aquifers, concordancely overlaying the Hırka Formation in which Trona has occurred. These units are confined aquifers on areas bounded by discontinuities,, Trona mine area is divided to two sectors, Elmabeli and Anseki according to the Hydrogeologie events,. Hydrogeological explorations have been carried out during 1984-1986 and 2000-2001, in the mentioned area. As a result of the studies,, groundwater flow in the Elmabeli Sector is towards the K-25 spring (towards the shearing zone of the Zaviye and Kanhceviz Faults), and the average flow rate is 10-13 mfday. Groundwater flow in the Anseki Sector is towards the Zaviye Fault with an average raM, of 8-15 m/day. Ground-waters located in the area are found to be of shallow circulation and similar origin » due to the evaluation of the 34 water samples collected front 19 different locations durind the wet and dry season periods. Brine saples result as deep circulation components.