Altın Madenciliğinde Siyanür Kullanımı
ÖZ: The techniques used in the gold mining are not different front the ones used in the other metallic ores, Following the liberalisation, the ore excavated from the mine is subjected to the extraction process for the gold. According to the mineralogy of the ore., cyanidation, floatation or gravita ton is applied- at this stage.. Cyanklation has a share of 83 % in the world g(dd production at present. Developed countries provide 70 % of the world gold production. Cyanide (CN), is a simple compound of carbon and nitrogen continuously met through the daily life.. Cyanide produced by the different plants is present in the natural environment as well. Cyanide, not resembling to the ottter chemicals dangerous for the environment,, is know!} as a material not accumulating in the living organisms and non-carcinogenic or -mutagenic. It is na tit ratty degraded and decomposes to its elements by sunlight, bacteria and plants. Varions cyanide complexes are used in the metal processing and e tec!Toplat ing,, mining, plastics, paint, electronics, agricultural chemicals and medicines.. Sodium cvankle used in. the mining sector is less than 20 % of the total demand for cyanide. The cyanide import t »f Turkey is 2500 Urns in the previous year to use in the industry.. Sodium cyanide has been used safely and effective!)` in the gold mining fin- 100 years., Bui it is a dangerous chemical that must always be used with caution. The adverse effect of cyanide to the environment is successfidly prevented by the measures taken during and after the mining activities. Cyanide concentration of the solution is towered by the chemical destruction method to i ppnı i I tng/t) level fitting with the standards for the waste deposition. Then, this material spreading at the tailings pond is destntcted completely by the effect of sunlight Tailings pond is reinforced from the bottom and the flanks with clay and geomemhrane in order to prevent the leakage in to the environment. Practically, it is accepted that lining these two materials in succession provides the "zero permeability*`. It is ktwwn from the researches that the process water discharged to the tailings pond is completely destriicted between 5 and 12 mouths according to the cyanide concentration, it is clearly indicated, in the various publications that due to the cyanide use in the gold mining there has been any accident resulted in death till today..