Bir İngilizce - Türkçe - Macarca Karst Terimleri Öncül Çalışması
ÖZ: Although karst features of Turkey are rich,, the studies regarding karstology and speleology have not beganlong ago. By the beginning of 1940`s following the pioneering works of some Turkish, German and French scholars, researchers often found, themselves in difficulty when writing on these sciences as they had. to find an equivalent for each specific word. Researchers like Alagöz (1944),,, Aygen (1959) aod Izbirak (1976) have long agopointed out. the need for such studies in their works. They used some translation words for some new terms aswell as the- words used by local people,. The first and. most detailed study of a karst terminology with Turkish equivalents was published by FAD in, 1972 including 194 entries,. Although, no consistent terminology or glossarystudy has been made about Turkish karst since then, we know that a more detailed study will be on the way byother reearchers, soon.. If we consider the technical terms used by Turkish, scientists in general, we will notice that,they are: generally taken from French, English, and Serbo-Croatian. Also some important French and Serbo-Croatian karst terms are included in this list of 300 words,, The presented work is an attempt to remedy this need though authors are conscious that this attempt fells short of the needs of engineering sciences.. As the colloborationof Turkish and. Hungarian speleologists in the past, few years invoked the need of such attempts,, we strongly hope and wish the: intensive communication of the researchers of these countries in the future., We also believe thatto abet the scientific communication between different language«, the local terminologies of each country must.not be "forgotten in these studies