Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Effects of Lithology and Settlement Areas on Groundwater Pollution : Ulupınar Spring, Sorkuncak-Eğirdir-Isparta

ABSTRACT: Water is the most important substancefor human life. So, settings occur generally near surface vaters or springs. Depending on development oftechnology, consumption ofyvater and pollution of groundwater and surface waters increases. in ourcountry, in many places especially in countrysides, settings have beenfoundednear springs or in recharge areas. Due to wastes ofthese settings, groıındwater is polluted rapidly depending on geologicalfeatures. So health problems arise due to the pollution of ground water.  Sorkuncak village, Eğirdir-lsparta, is an examplefor settlement area ofthis kind. Flow direction of surface and groundwater in Sorkuncak village founded in a valley, is south to north. Contact type Ulupınar spring occurring in the lover level ofthe village has been used to supply the water demand of the village. The spring is recharged and issues from travertine. Travertine cropps out or located near surface. in some areas, these travertines are covered by thin alluvium deposits. Aquifer is polluted by the domestic and agriculture wastes. So, health or juridical problems arise. High colibacillus concentration were detected. Pollution and colibacillus concentration increases during rainy seasons. As a result, toprevent health problem and pollution, settlements should be founded out of recharge areas ofthe springs. Associated with this, there are law related problems along with health problems. High level of colyform (240 units) has been determined as a result ofanalyzing water samples which are obtained from Uluıinar spring in different time scales. When results of analyze has been examined, it has been that impurity and amount of colyform increasing with seasons which have rainfalls. New residential areas must be selected as possible as outside of the catchment areas of springs to prevent underground watersfrom impurity andplagues in thefuture.