Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Geological, Petrographical and Technological Investigations of Erkilet Basalt, Kayseri, Central Anatolia

ABSTRACT: The study is executed in a wide area of the around Kayseri. Basalts are prevalent in northwestand southeast of this area, and are produced in the surroundings of Erkilet. The aim of this study isthe determination of production as building stone, depending on its geological setting,mineralogical and petrological properties, geochemistry, and technological testes of the basalt.Erkilet Basalt is the unit which belong to Miocene-Quaternary aged volcanites in the area.Mineralogically Erkilet Basalt contains 40-42 % microlites of plagioclase, 20-25 % clinopyroxene,18-20 % olivine, 4-5 % phenocrystales of plagioclase, 3-5 % orthopyroxene, calcite less than 4 %,opague mineral less than 4 %, and these basalts which indicate holocrystalline and porphyritictextures have composition of pyroxene-basalt. Geochemically, these rocks conform thoelitic-alkalicomposition according to distribution of K O-SiO , basalt according to distribution of (K O+Na O)-SiO , sub-alkali basalt according to distribution of Zr/TiO -Nb/Y, intracontinental basalt accordingto distribution of (Zr/Y)-Zr, and composition of continental basalt of late-post orogenic beltindicating effects of continental crust. Density, unit weight, rate of water suction in point of weight, pressure resistance, pressure resistance after than frost, frost loss and pressure resistance of thisrock appropriate for using being both natural building stone and coating stone. Plate giving, cuttingof edge-corner, and varnish taking of this rock is at good degree. Average abrasion resistance of thatis very near to the limit value.