Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Therapeutic Geology (The therapeutic effects of geological materials, geological processes and geological place)

ABSTRACT: Geological process is a part of environment around us containing geological materials and places.Lots of subjects about the quality of life including health and security are concerned with geologicalenvironment. Therefore, therapeutic geology was used for the last thousands of years and has beenpresently made use of it. Primitive men learned the therapeutic effect of soil-eating and Rolling in mudboth instinctly and by observing the sick animals. Geological materials have always had importance sinceSumerian and Egyptian physicians made drugs and clay tablets (Terra Sigillata) in the island of Lemnos.Ithas been considered that making use of antique thermal water is the same as the Spa organization of today. Medical geology is an interdisciplinary scientific field which studies the positive or negativeeffects of the geological environment on the humans, animals and plants. Medical geology examines thedetermination of therapeutic character of geological environment and potantial usage of it as much as therisks. In this study, the scopes of therapeutic geology have been emphasized on the basis of the principlesof medical geology.