Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi

Application of the Menard Pressuremeter Test for the Bearing Capacity and Settlement Analysis: A Case Study at Kuloğlu Hydro-Electric Central (HEC) Regulator Site (Kars, Turkey)

ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the short description of Menard pressuremeter and the evaluation of Menardpressuremeter tests carried out in two boreholes drilled at Kuloğlu Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP)regulator which is one of the HPP Projects planned at Aşağı Aras basin. 8 pressuremeter tests in SK-1borehole and 12 pressuremeter tests in SK-2 borehole were carried out at alluvium unit in the foundationsite. Menard pressuremeter tests could not be carried out due to the collapsing and enlarging of thedrillholes after 20 and 24 meter depths of boreholes. Two group of settlement and bearing capacity analysiswere performed with the assumption of alluvium made up of homogeneous and heterogeneous. Immediatesettlement computation and stress distribution analysis were also performed beside the pressuremeteranalysis. The amount of settlement and bearing capacity of the alluvium are in acceptable limits in thedepths of which the test could be applied. The stress from regulator load decreases to % 10 at a depth ofgreater than 48 m. Due to the collapsing-enlarging of the boreholes after 20 and 24 m depths and theload-related stress increase acting greater depths, the excavation of the all alluvial soils is suggested. Atthe end of this study, the problems arisen from application of Menard pressuremeter test for the hydraulicstructures are outlined.