Investigation of the Biogeochemical Anomalies for Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni and Co in the Kırka (Eskişehir), Bigadiç (Balıkesir) and Emet (Kütahya) Boron Deposits Area
ABSTRACT: Plants accumulates a lot of elements and determination of the amount of elements in the plantsis important for biogeochemical prospecting. 14 plant species and 220 plant and soils samples werecollected from Kırka (Eskişehir) primarily, Bigadiç (Balıkesir) and Emet (Kütahya) boron deposits areaand element contents of plant and soil samples were determined. The biogeochemical anomalies were determined with the help of the statistical relations between element contents of the soil and the plantspecies samples. There are no statical relationship established between the Zn, Cu, Ni ve Co values of plantand soil samples. Twigs of Gypsophila perfoliata L. (n=13, r=0.79, R²=0.62, P<0.01 for Mn) observedwere found to be indicator plants. The indicator plants could be successfully used for biogeochemicalprospecting and environmental monitoring. In addition, the correlation analysis was performed in orderto determine the inter-elemental relationships between the soil (for B, Sr, Li, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni and Co) andMn in G. perfoliata L. While there is a positive significant (S) relationship between Mn in plant and Mn insoil, there is a negative significant(-S) relationship between Mn in plant and Li in soil.