ABSTRACT: The distribution of damaged buildings observed from October 23 and November 9, 2011 Vanearthquakes shows that a major portion of damage occurred at settlement areas underlain by alluvialsoils. The effect of alluvial soil on strong ground motion and structural damage can be seen by comparingtwo strong ground motion records of the Van province, earthquake of 09 November 2011 (Mw:5.6). Onerecord at Edremit on travertine bedrock had a peak horizontal acceleration of 0.10 g. The other one, atthe city center of Van province, at a distance of 15 km from the epicenter in Quaternary alluvium, had theaccelaration value of 0.25 g. The effect of soil on the ground motion is about 2.5. In this study, the lateraland vertical distribution of the soil were obtained using a total of 81 geotechnical borehole data withdepths ranging from 10-25 m. Soil amplification values computed at the alluvial site based on measuredshear wave velocity show reasonably good agreement with the observed motions. The earthquake damagewas determined to be high at local areas of relatively poor soil conditions such as cohesionles andloose soil, high groundwater. In addition to the soil conditions, there is no doubt that the use of lowquality materials and low construction technologies have caused higher damage at central districts ofVan province. Considering the soil conditions, both ground deformation (soil amplification, liquefaction)and cycling loading will increase the loss of lives and property in the central districts of Van province.Therefore, in order to minimize the possible damage of a potential earthquake, ground conditions shouldbe considered at the Van settlement area.
Distribution of damage
Peak ground acceleration
Soil amplification
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ABSTRACT: The study area is located at the southern part of the Black Sea Tectonic Unit in northern Turkey. Thisunit which is a part of the Alpine-Himalayan metallogenic belt extending from Eastern Europe throughCentral Asia to the Pacific region hosts several types of economic mineralization. Çayeli copper depositis one of the biggest deposits in the Eastern Black Sea region. Therefore, the host rocks in the study areacontain high concentrations of various ore elements. Soils derived from the ore-containing rocks and teaplants growing on these soils may also contain high element concentrations. In order to better understandthe seasonal variations, soil and tea leaf samples were collected during two seasons (April 2005, October2005) and analyzed for major elements (Mn, Al, Fe, Na, Ca, K, Mg, and P), and trace elements (As, Cd,Co, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn). Linear discriminant analysis was performed on the soil and plant data of thestudy area. Mahalanobis generalized distance of both soil and plant samples showed that there was alarge difference in the concentration level of two seasons data. Contamination in soils was qualified withpollution index and integrated pollution index. Results of analysis yield that soils are characterized byhigh concentrations of Cd, As, Pb, Zn, Mn, Cu, Co, and Hg. Since concentrations of other elements do notexceed the permissible levels they are not evaluated.
Çayeli copper deposit
Seasonal variation
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Yaylalı Abanuz, G , Tüysüz, N . Çayeli Bakır Yatağı Çevresindeki Toprak ve Bitkilerde Mevsimsel Değişimlerin İstatistiksel Olarak Belirlenmesi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 36 (2012 ): 99-114
ABSTRACT: Soil liquefaction has been extensively defined via the laboratory and in-situ tests, regarding to eitherthe generation of excess pore water pressure or the soil vertical strain reaching a particular level under isotropic and anisotropic conditions. In this study, concolidated-drained anisotropic loading conditionswere applied herein to simulate the stresses under a shallow foundation at representative depths. Threedifferent particle size of sandy soils with two different relative density conditions were adopted for thesaturated drained cyclic tests. The number of cycle load (26 cycles) within a frequency of 1second waschosen depending on a constant earthquake magnitude. The variation of axial strain during the tests wasmonitored in order to evaluate the liquefaction behaviour of the three types of the sands. The axial strainis found to be relative density dependent. Ione sand and beach sand samples could not reach the initialliquefaction state due to dilation. Especially, the least uniform and coarsest concrete sand with 90 %relative density tends to liquefy based on the axial strain
Anisotropic stress
Cyclic triaxial test
Axial strain
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Ulamış, K , Yang, H , Norris, G . (2012). Anizotropik Yükleme Koşullarında Eksenel Deformasyon İle Sıvılaşma İlişkisi . Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi , 36 (2) , 115-124 . Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/jmd/issue/28181/295934
Ulamış, K , Yang, H , Norris, G . Anizotropik Yükleme Koşullarında Eksenel Deformasyon İle Sıvılaşma İlişkisi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi 36 (2012 ): 115-124
ABSTRACT: In the close vicinity of Yellice (Çetinkaya-Sivas), ophiolitic rocks which were trusted tectonicallybefore Maastrichtian over Munzur limestones of Taurus platform form the basement. Post-tectonic basindeposits (Saya formation and Sincan group) cover them unconformably. Magmatic activity observed inthe field is characterized by granitic rocks of Upper Cretaceous and/or subsequent ages, and volcanicsof Plio-Quarternary. The ores which is the subject of this study, are mainly composed of magnetites andlocated within serpentinized ultramafic rocks of the ophiolites. Primary ore minerals of the Yellice area,consist of chromite, magnetite, machinavite droplets bearing pentlandite, pyrrhotite, cubanite lamellaebearing chalcopyrite and pyrite disseminations characterizing liquid magmatic phase. In addition to thisprimary paragenesis of chromite, magnetite and sulphide assemblages, secondary magnetite mineralsformed from iron elements released intensively from ferromagnesian minerals during serpentinizationprocesses which characterize subsequent phase. Small amount of pyrite and silicate minerals accompaniedwith these assemblages. In general, the average compositions of serpentinized ultramafic rocks are 20.34% Fe2O3 (total Fe), 0.26 % MnO, 33.19 % MgO, 1.08 % CaO, 0.14 % Al2O3, 31.99 % SiO2, 0.18 % K2O,0.08 % Na2O with 5678 ppm Cr2O3, 1772 ppm Ni, 191.7 ppm Co, 280 ppm V2O5 and 163 ppm TiO2. Losson ignition is 10.49 %. In this study area, the ore seen as lenses within serpentinites, comprises mainlymagnetite, and reveals an average grade of 18-20 % Fe3O4 with visible and probable tonnage of 125million tons. At the early stages of the iron formation, it had started to develop as disseminations withinultramafic rocks and gained intensity subsequently by the minerals formed by iron elements released fromthe ferromagnesian minerals such as olivine and pyroxene during the serpentinization processes of theultramafic rocks.
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