ABSTRACT: Scientific investigations for surface subsidence caused by groundwater date go back to 1890s. Technologicaland industrial developments have rapidly increased the demand for groundwater and this resulted heavily use ofgroundwater resources. This phenomenon, observed in industrial areas and causing damage to infrastructures,has been related to heavy production of water-oil-and gas. In the following years, research studies have beenfocused on mathematical formulation of the interrelated mechanism of fluid withdrawal and subsidence. In theformulation, mechanical and physical behaviour of the flow and subsidence mechanisms are used together toanalyze their interrelationships. Research studies have been accelerated by Terzaghis consolidation model andBiots mathematical formulation of the phenomenon. In the following years, solution of the equations were tried byanalytical methods, however, they were not applicable to complex problems. Use of the numerical methods (Finite Elements and Finite Differences) and high capacity computers have been applied to solve the problems and this hasspeeded up the research studies.This paper summarizes the research studies related to subsidence due to fluid withdrawal and the scientificdevelopment has been reviewed. The mechanisms of subsidence and fluid flow have been explained and caseexamples are given from countries which seriously suffer from surface subsidence.
Surface subsidence
deformation and fluid flow interrelation
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