ABSTRACT:In order to reduce the damages caused by the landslides, it is very important to predict the landslide occurrences
and to determine the landslide susceptibility areas by the current methods in the literature. In this respect, it is aimed
to produce landslide susceptibility maps of Ulus district of Bartın where landslides develop in the same lithology.
The important point of the study is that Chebyshev theorem is tested for selected study area in this study and the
susceptibility map produced by this method is compared with the landslide susceptibility map produced by using data A total of 195 landslides were mapped in the study area and two different sampling strategies, Chebyshevs theorem
and landslide mass were used in the determination of landslide and non-landslide areas. In this study, landslide
susceptibility analysis has been done for the study area by using topographic elevation, aspect, curvature and NDVI
parameters. In the susceptibility analysis using both sampling strategies, Frequency Ratio (FO) method, which is
frequently used in literature, was used and two different susceptibility maps were produced. The performance of the
susceptibility maps was evaluated according to Area Under Curve method (ROC-AUC) and the AUC values were
determined as 0.78 for Chebyshev theorem and 0.72 for the sampling technique according to the number of pixels in
the entire landslide mass, respectively. According to these values, both susceptibility maps were acceptable and the
performance of the susceptibility map produced by sampling with the Chebyshev theorem is relatively higher than
the other sampling method. This result shows that Chebyshev method used in the study is an alternative method that
can be used effectively in landslide susceptibility mapping studies and that the susceptibility map produced by this
method has a successful prediction capacity.
Area Under Curve (AUC)
Chebyshev Theorem
Frequency Ratio (FR)
Landslide Susceptibility
Sampling Technique
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