Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

1993 MAYIS Cilt 17 Sayı 1
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Geohydrological analysis of a karst spring and its aquifer on. the example of Boğsak karst spring (Mersin-Taşucu)
Hasan Turgut Öztaş
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ABSTRACT: The Boğsak. karst spring is at `the entrance Boğsak village, al 10 km, distance on. W of Taşucu subprovince.It has 10 m.3/s discharge in .some years and a strong saliniz.ati.on is effective on. 11 months, in per year.An aquifer model possessing many closed underground drainage areas (bowls) taking place at different elevations»which, is proposed drains their water to only one neighbouring underground, drainage area .from only one point, when thegrounwater level of the static reservoir exceeded. This new aquifer model, which, explains both the discharge of the Boğsakkarst spring and the process of the saltation,, will open new sights in to karstic hydrogeology and the generalhydrogeologic s todies.It is concluded that, trying; to prevent the encroachment, of seawater to the spring will be unsuccesfull and uneconomicin general. Therefore., leaving the spring in its own. flow condition is useful only in January and February» when it hasmaximum discharges and discharging the fresh, water by a possible production well located at 1 km distance on SW of thespring with. 250-300 m. depth, is probably the most economical and realistic solution.The- defiencies of the classical way in. the analysis of discharge of a karst spring depending on the time in decreasing periodof spring discharge are explained numerically such .as .shown in. the example of the Boğsak karst spring. One of the mostimportant defiencies in violating assumptions regarding `the relations described in. teh discharge equations, The proposedapproach and the classical approach are applied to the discharge in decreasing period. Comparison of the results shows thevalidity of the approach proposed in this study, Based on all data determined above, the total, static and dynamic rezcrves of theground water in. aquifer- have- been calculated, from the hydraulic parameters and. the dimensional properties of the aquifer.

  • Boğsak Karst Source

  • Mersin-Taşucu

  • Aquifer

  • Hydrogeological Analysis

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  • Birsoy, Y.K. 1982, Karstik Kaynak Boşalımı Sorunlarına Bileşik Hazne Modeli ile Yaklaşım, EÜ Yerbilimleri Fak,., 63 s., İzmir,

  • Chow, V.T.,Yevdjevich, V.M.,Dandy, D JR., Matalas, N.C. 1964, Statistical and Probability Analysis of Hydrologie Data, Handbook of Applied. Hydrology, Section 8, pp.. 8.1-8.97, McGraw-Hill Book. Comp,, USA.

  • Eroskay, S.Ö, 1980, Karst Kaynaklarının Geliştirilmesi, İÜ. Coğrafya Enst. Derg., s. 215-234, İstanbul.

  • Karanjac, J, 1977, Recession Hydrograph Analysis in Karst Aqueifers, Karst Hydrogeology SymposiumProceedings (ed. Giinay, G.,Karanjac, J. 1978), DSl-UNDP Project, TUR 77/015, Tech,. Report No.a 27, pp. 65-85, Ankara.,

  • Mijatovic, B.,. (Çev, Korkmaz, N.) 1975, Karstik Aklferlerde Boşalım Eğrisiyle Depolama Katsayısı ve Transm.issibil.ite Tayini, DSİ Gn. Md. Yayını, 10 s., Ankara

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  • Petrofacies characteristics of the sandstones of Ulupınar Formation (Upper Cretaceous) in the Northwest Levent (Akçadağ - Malatya)
    Orhan Özçelik Mehmet Altunsoy
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    ABSTRACT: Upper Cretaceous Ulupınar formation consisting of conglomerate, sandstone, marl and limestone is appeared, in the northwest Levent (Akçadağ-Malatya). The aim of this work. Is that to study the clastic petrofacies of sandstones,. The- poorly sorted sandstones are grey-green in colour. These sandstones are rich rock, fragments .and quartzs so thatnamed as grey wacke (Van Andel, 1958), quartz sandstone and iithic arenite (Travis, 1970) and litharenite (Folk, et al, 1.970).They contain heavy minerals such as pyroxsen, amphibol, muskovite, hiolite, chlorite and opaque minerals,.. They alsocontain clay minerals as illite, chlorite and. kaolinite. Detritic materials of Ulupınar formation represent recycled orogenprovenance and mixed provenance. Transitional provenances are recycled transitional and recycled rock, fragments.

  • Levent(Akçadağ-Malatya)

  • Ulupınar Formation

  • Sandstones

  • petrofacies

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  • Titanium mineral deposits, titanium contents and titanium partitioning in rocks
    Ali Haydar Gültekin
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    ABSTRACT: This study is aimed to provide some new informations on the titanium content and titanium partitioning in rocks, and titanium deposits. Titanium is most abundant element in the earth`s crust .and has a strong affinity foroxygen... At the present» titanium metal and alloys are- used in the aerospace Industries as structural components stre.og.htto high, temperatures.,In the primary titanium deposits, titanium minerals such as rutile and ilmenite which have trade grade,, form as products of the crystallization of igneous magmas and as recrystallizauon products in metamorphic rocks. The behavior oftitanium In magmatic crystallization is depends on such factors as the initial titanium contents of the magma» thechemical activities-of iron, silicon, and. aluminum» the partial pressure of oxygen, and the temperature of crystallization.Rutile-bearing metamorphic rocks are generally related to hightemperature and pressure-facies rocks. Anorthositemassifs are economically important sources of titanium minerals. 

  • Titanyum

  • Mineral Deposits

  • Element

  • Metamorphic Rocks

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  • Tanyolu, E,., 1979, Marmara Adası Metamorfîk Serilerinin. Petrolojik Etüdü, Z. D. M. M. A. Maden. Bölümü, Doktora Tezi.

  • Tanket, A., 1990, Ankara Ofiyolit Melanj Kuşağı İçindeki Ofîyolitik Kayaçlann Tektonik Oluşum Ortamlarına Jeokimyasal Bir Yaklaşım, M. T.. A. Dergisi, Sayı: 110, Sayfa: 17-28.

  • Tankut, A., ve Sayın N. M,.., 1990, Ediğe Ofiyolit Kütlesindeki Mineral. Fazları,., M. T,.. A.., Dergisi., Sayı: 110, Sayfa: 97-111.

  • Tokei, S., 1977, Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Eosen Yaşlı Kalk-Alkalen Andezitler ve Jeotektonizma, T. L K. Bülteni 20/L Sayfa: 49-54,

  • Tourtelot, H, A.,,, 1968, Hydraulic Equivalence of Grains of Quartz and Heavier- Minerals and Implications for the Study of Placers. U. S. Geol. Survey Profess, Paper, 594-F, pp. F1-F13

  • Uncugil, G,, 1969, Küçük. Menderes Nehri Alüvyonlarıoda Titanla İlgili Ağır Minerallerin. Alüvyoner Prospeksiyon Raporu,. M,., T. A. Raporu, No: 8653, Sayfa: 6,

  • Uz, B., 1973, Les .Formation Métamorphiques et Granitiques du Massif Ancien d`Akdag (Simav-Turquie) et Leur Con.vertu.res Volcano-Sedimentaire. Tome, I-II, Doktora. Tezi. *

  • Williams, S, A., and Cesbron, F. P. 1977, Rutile and Apatite: Use Fui Prospecting Guides for Porphyry Copper Deposits., Mineralogical. Magazine,, Vol. 41, pp... 288-292

  • Yılmaz, Y,.., 1984, Türkiye`nin Jeolojik Tarihinde Mağmatik. Etkinlik ve Tektonik. Evrimle İlişkisi, Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu., Ketin Simpozyumu, Sayfa: 63-81.

  • Selecting the support categories with the RSR method of the Güledar dérivation. tunnel
    Hasan Aydin Özsan
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    ABSTRACT: This study contains RSR. classification of the.rock units of the derivation, tunnel of the Guledar darn..,The main rock, •units on the- tunnel alignmet consist of limestone and the .matrix which have metadetritics and metavolcanics. Support, categories of the derivation fennel (steel rib» concrete and bolt) have been proposed by the RSR values»obtained from, parameters related to the rock classification..

  • Güledar Diversion Tunnel

  • RSR Metod

  • Rock

  • Limestone Outcrops

  • Özsan, A., 1.993, Güledar barajı derivasyon tünel güzergahındaki (Çubuk, Ankara) kaya birimlerinin • mühendislik jeolojisi incelemesi: Türkiye Jeol. .BülL, 36/1/75-82.

  • Wickham, G. E., Tiedeman, H, R., and Skinner, E,. H., 1.972, Support determination, based on. geologic predictions: .Proceedings, Rapid, excavation tunneling conference, American Institution of mining engineers, pp, 43-47.

  • Wickham, G. E., Tiedeman, H. R.t and Skinner, E. H. 1.974,.,, Ground sopport prediction model-RSR concept: Proceedings» Rapid excavation tunneling conference, American Institution of mining engineers,, Newyork.pp 691-707.

  • Quantitative analysis of Heıılandites-CIinoptilolites in Zeolite containing tuffs from. Gördes region by X-Ray Diffraction
    Recep Fahri Esenli
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    ABSTRACT: The tuffs in Miocene sequence around Gördes show zeolite contents up to 80% in 2/3 of the outcroparea. Heulan.dite--elinoptilol.ite contents, in rock samples have been, calculated by the method of quantitative, x-raydiffraction with dolomite internal, standart.., This technique has been `verified, by known additions method. Standardsamples were, prepared with. 4 slides each.., Heulandite-clinoptilolite contents were obtained from the calibration line.which represents 18 standard samples and 72- points., Highest integrated peaks of heulandite-clinqptilolite and dolomite (dspacing of 3.97 Â. and. d spacing of 2.89 Â) have been used in. the calculations,. The error involved in this method, is4.35%. The method was found to be applicable to samples assaying; only more than 5% zeolite.The tuffs in. Gördes, Aynaalan., Hacialidere and Softalar Regions exhibit `the highest heulandite-clinoptilolite contentsbased, on 95 tuff samples calculated by this method, The. zeolite, contents in pumice fragments were found to exhibit40% less zeolite than the whole rock.

  • Gördes

  • Zeolite Tuff

  • Hoylondit-Klinoptilolit

  • X-Rays Difraksiyonu

  • Brindley, G. W., 1980ı, Quantitative X-Ray Mineral. Analysis of Clays. Mineral. Soc., Monograph, No. 5, Edited, by G. W. Brindley .and G. Brown. Chapter 7, p. 411- 439

  • Chung, F. BL, 1974,, Quantitative Interpretation of X-Ray Diffraction. Patterns. 1.. Matrix-Rushing Method of Quantitative Multicomponet Analysis. J. Appl. Cryst.7,,p.519-525.

  • Cosgrove, M. E., Sulaman, A. M., 1973, Rapid Method for `the Determination of Quartz in. Sedipentary Rocks by X-Ray Diffraction. Clay Minerals 10, p. 51-55

  • Davis, B. L., Walawender, ML J., 1982,, Quantitative Mineralogie^ Analysis of Granitoid Rocks,., A Comparison of X-Ray and Optical Techniques. .Amer. Mineral.. 67, p. 1135-1143

  • Esenli,, F.,, 1992, Gördes Çevresindeki Neojen. Serilerin ve Zeolitleşmeııin Jeolojik» Mineralojik ve Jeokimyasal İncelenmesi. Doktora Tezi, î. T. Ü. Fen. Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 210 s, yayınlanmamış.

  • Esenli, F., Özpeker, I., 1993, Gördes Çevresindeki Neojen Havzanın Zeolitik Diyajenezi ve HoylanditKlinoptüolitlerin Mineralojisi. 46, T.. L Kurultayı Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, s. 63,15-19 Şubat, Ankara

  • Hay, R. L,,, 1981, Geology of Zeolites in Sedimentary Rocks. Reviews in. `Mineralogy, V. 4, p, 53-64

  • Klug, H. P., Alexander, L. E.., 1954, X-Ray Diffraction Procedures for Polycrystalline and Amorphous Materials. John Wiley and. Sons., New York.

  • Maniar, P. D., Cooke, G, A.,,, 1987,, Modal Analysis of Granitoids by Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction,. Amer. Mineral,.,, 72, p. 433-437

  • Moore, A.., C, 1969s .» A Method for Determining: Mineral Compositions by Measurement of the Mass Absorption. Coefficient. The Amer.., Mineralogist. V. 54, p. 1180-1189.

  • Parker, R. I,..,, 1978.» Quantitative Determination of Analcime in Pumice Samples by X-Ray Diffraction. Mineral Mag. 42, p. 103-106,

  • Pawloski, G. A., 1985» Quantitative Determination of Mineral Content of Geological. Samples by X-Ray Diffraction. Amer. Mineral., 70; p. 663-667

  • Sheppard, R, A., Gude, A,. J., 1968, Distribution and Genesis of Authigenic Silicate Minerals in Tuffs of Pleistocene Lake Tecopa Inyo County, California. U. S. Geol... Surv. Prof. Pap., 597.38 p

  • Sheppard» R. A,,,, A. J,., 1973, Zeolites and Associated Authigenic Silicate Minerals in Tuffaceous Rock of the Big Sandy Formation, Mohave County, Arizona. U. S. Geol. Surv., Pro! Pap. 83, 36 p.,

  • Snyder, K... L,,, Bish, D. L.9 1989, Quantitative Phase Analysis by X-Ray Powder Diffraction. Reviews in Mineralogy, V., 20, p. 101-143.

  • Surdam, R. C, 1.981,,, Zeolites in Closed Hydrologie Systems,.. Reviews in Mineralogy, V. 4, p. 65-91.

  • Zevin, L. S., 1977, A Method of Quantitative Phase Analysis Without Standarts... Journal of Appl. Cryst. 10, p., 147-150.

  • An observation on the formation time of Lake Eğirdir depression
    Nizamettin Kazanci
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    ABSTRACT: A layer of pyroclastic air-faE deposits of Pliocene Gölcük (İsparta) volcanism has been observed withinthe sediments of coiluvium cones which have prograded ioto the. Eğirdir lake. This layer makes easy the interpretation oflake depression.

  • Eğirdir Lake Dish

  • Formation Time

  • Isparta

  • Topographic Concavity

  • Alagßz, CA., 1944, Türkiye`de karst olayları hakkında bir .araştırma, Türkiye Coğrafya Kurumu. Yayını, no 1, 95 s,, .Ankara..

  • Ardel, A., 1951, Göller bölgesinde morfolojik müşahadeler L ist., Coğrafya Enst. Dergisi, 2,, 1-19

  • Erol, O., 1.969, Tuzgölü Havzasının jeolojisi ve jeomorfolojisi., T...B.T.A.K. Araştırma Projesi Rap., no TBAG-26,336 s. Ankara..

  • Erol,, O., 1984, Geomorphology and neolectonies of the pluvial lake basins in the Taurus Belt and south central Anatolia. Geology of the Taurus Belt (Eds. O. Tekeli ve C, Göncüoğlu) da, MTA .Matbaası, 119-124, Ankara.,

  • İnandık, H.- 1965, Türkiye gölleri., İÜ. Coğrafya Enst. Yay,, no., 44,214 s., Istanbul..

  • Gold deposits and occurences of the Amanos mountain range in the basin, and range structure of Hatay
    Mehmet Orhan Özkoçak
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    ABSTRACT: The .Amanos Range situated near the border between Turkey and Syria along Dead, Sea "Rift is 25 km..,wide and 200 km. long,.. This region consiste of essentially Upper Cretaceous ophiolites, three phased volcanics andLower Paleozoic to Quaternary sediments,. Upper Cretaceous Kızıldağ thrusting, Tertiary basin, and range faulting haveshaped local morphology and have influenced the formation of local gold, mineralizations mostly proximal to the Antakya-Karasu .graben.Gold deposit of Kisecik is situated, on, the SE border of the Amanos range between horst .and graben,,.. A joint venture,Nerco and Yurttaşlar, has explored, the area and calculated an exploitable, reserve of 12 million tonnes, of ore with l%Cu55%As .and 4 gr/tonne Au,, in one sector. Gold is found in, pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and accompanied, by hematite, sphalerite and quartz; free gold is. present in, the oxidation zone., More than, fifteen hopeful indications have been reported especially in. the borders, of the range.Favorable geological features of the Amanos range and, related, gold, mineralizations and similarities with other important mineralized, .areas, in the world indicate that large additional potential resources may exist in the Hatay region ofTurkey. 

  • Hatay

  • Amanos mountains

  • Horst ve Graben Structure

  • Gold Bearings and Their Appearance

  •, M., 1973, İskendenın-Kırıkhan sahasındaki ofiyolitlerin jeoloji ve petrografisi. MTA No: 150, Ankara 1973.

  • Atan,OJR.t 1969, Eğribucak-Karacaöıen (Hassa}-CeyianlıDazevleri (Kınkhan) arasıdaki Amanos dağlarının jeolojisi. Thesis Ph. D.,, MTA Pübl. No: 139.

  • Delaloye, M., De Souza, H., Wagner, J.-J, and Hedley, L, 1980 b, Isotopic ages on ophiolites from, the eastern Mediterranean.., In: A. Panayiotou. (Ed.), Öphiolites, Proc. Intern. Ophiolite Symp., Cyprus 1979, p. 292- 295

  • Delaloye, M., and Wagner, J.-J., 19&. Ophiolites and volcanic activity near the western edge of `the Arabian Plate. IN: J... E. Dixon and A. H. F. Robertson (Eds.), The geological evolution, of the Eastern Mediterranean. Geol. Soc. London, Spec, PubL, 17: 225-233,.

  • Janetzko, P.,,,, 1972, Untersuchungen .an der Qstflanke des südl. Amanos-Gebirges-GeotekL Forsch..,, 42:3-33.

  • Parrot» J.., F., 1974, Les différentes manifestations efftısives de la région opbiolitique du .Baër-Bassit `(Nordouest de la Syrie): Comparaison pétrographique et géochimique. C. R. Acad. Sei., Paris, D., p. 279,630.

  • Parrot» J. F., 1977, Assemblage ophiolitique du BaërBassit et termes effiisifs du volcano-sédimantaire. Pétrologie d`un fragment, de la. croûte océanique, charriée sur la plateforme syrienne. Trav. et Doc.

  • Pişkin, Ô..,5 Delaloye, M., Selçuk,, H,, and Wagner,, J.-J., 1986, Guide to Halay Geology (SE TURKEY). Ofioliti. Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche. BoUettino Del Groppo di Lavoro Solle öfîollti. Méditerranée. V, 11- N. 2 Agosto 1986

  • Selçuk, H., 1981,. Etude Géologique de la partie méridionale du. Hatay (Turquie)., Thesis No. 1997, Ph. D. (publ.). Univ. de Geneve 116 p.

  • Sinewing,, J. D., 197,5,. Metamorphi&m. of the Troodos massif, Cyprus. Unpubl. Ph.. D, Thesis, Open University, 267 p

  • Yıldız, B.,, 1991,. Oral Communications. Geophycal Engineer of Yurttaşlar Mining Co., Kayseri (Sözlü, beyan. Yurttaşlar Madencilik Şirketinin Jeolojisi-Jeofizik Mühendisi)

  • Türkiye`nin Bilinen. Maden, ve Mineral Kaynaklan. MTA Yayınlarından No.., 185, Ankara, 1989. Hazırlayan Necdet Erseçen.

  • Chemical structure of water in perlites and its effect to expansion characteristic
    İsmet Özgenç
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    ABSTRACT: Volcanic activities ^create rhyolite and rfayodacite type of acidic volcanites together with, economic gradeof perlite deposit in. the west part of Anatolia.Thennogravimetric analyses on selected perlite samples from the deposits reveal that the volatile content in the perlitesare between %2,5-5„ There are three equilibrium, stages of loss volatiles in perlitle rocks as 120 C 4.50 C° and 950 CInfrared spectrophotometer analyses indicate that, the big` amount of`the water- in perlites in present as. moleculer H2Oand rest. in. `the from of Si-OH groups. The water molecules are trapped in the crystal lattice either by weak hydrogenbonds to the anion or by weak ionic bonds to* the metal. The weak, bonded, water molecules, release `the rock at 450 C°.The small amount of remaining volatiles account for expansion, characteristic of the rock. 

  • Perlites

  • Of water Chemical Structure

  • Expansion Property

  • Volcanism

  • Kadey, F. L. 1963, Pétrographie techniques in perlite evaluation: Trans. Aime, v. 226, Min. Eng. No. 3, pp. 332-336.

  • Keller, W. D,., Piekett, E. E. 1954, Hydraxyl and. water from Superior, Arizona: Am.. Jour,.. Sei. v, 252, pp. 87-98

  • Keller, W. D., Spotts,, J. H., Biggs, D. L. 1.952, Infrared spectra of some rock, forming minerals: Am,. Jour., Sei v. 250, pp. 453-471.

  • King, G. E., Todd, S. S., Kelley, K. K. 1.948, Perlite, thermal data and energy required for expansion: U, S. Bur,. Mines. RepL Inv No. 4394, pp., 1-1,5.

  • Leineweber, J.., P. 1961,, The drying of perlite: Johns Manville Research DeptRepL No. 412-7749,,, 25 p

  • Nakamoto, K. 1970, Infrared spectra of Inorganic and coordinate compounds: 2nd. Ed. Wiley Interscience, New York, 338 p

  • Özgenç, 1. 1978,,, İzmir bölgesi perlit yataklarının jeolojisi ve petrolojisi, perlitlerin fiziksel,, kimyasal ve `" genleşme özellikleri: E. Ü. Mühendislik Fakültesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Doktora Tezi (Yayınlanmamış), 190 s, İzmi

  • Weber, R. H. 1955, Proocessing perlite, the technologic problems: Min. Eng, Feb.. 1955, pp. 174-176.

  • Derme karst spring and development
    Ayten Önal
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    ABSTRACT: Derme spring that .has an average, discharge of 2.6 m3/sc is. the most important karstic discharge in Malatya.Exposed geological units .around She spring` and. its recharge basin; Permo-caıboniferous Malatya, metamorphites, CretaceousGündüzbey group, Eocene Yeşilyurt group and at `the south Eocene Maden complex,, Miocene .Kilayik group.In this area,, limestones of Malatya metanıorphites .are the most important aquifers. Derme spring discharges `throughthe lower limestone, of Malatya metamorphites at 1235 m level. Horizons of basal conglomerate and. reef limestone ofoverburden units bear water of which amounts vary with the thickness and. distrubition of the units.In this research, distribution of aquifer` limestone, its relationship with adjoining groundwater basin» amount ofannual, recharge and coefficient of aquifer recession are determined Stale Hydraulic Works (DSİ) has started to operationsbased, on. the results of this research for development of Derme spring,

  • Derme Karst Source

  • Feeding Area

  • Metamorphit

  • Aquifer

  • AHMET,, Ş., 1985,, Malatya Çat barajının Jeolojisi ve Mühendislik Jeolojisi., 1,Ü. Fen Bilimleri Ens, Yük,. Lisans Tezi

  • EROSKAY, S.O., 1978,» Kocaeli yarımadası güneyindeki kîreçtaşlannın Hidrojeolojisi ve Karsı parametrelerinin analizi. TÜBİTAK TBAG-124 projesi.

  • EROSKAY, S.,O.,, 1980, Karst kaynaklarının geliştirilmesi. l.Ü. Coğrafya. Ens,.. Dergisi, Sayı 23

  • GÖZÜBOL, AJVL, ÖNAL, M., 1986, Çat Barajı isale tünelinin Mühendislik Jeolojisi ve .kaya mekaniği incelemesi. Malatya Çelikfaan alanının Jeolojisi., TÜBİTAK TB AG-647 projesi, .Ankara

  • GÜLENBAY, A., 1984, Çat Barajı Karst Hidrojeolojisi etüd rapora.,. DSİ, Ankara

  • INTERNATIONAL Seminar on Karst Hydrogeology. Editor Dr. G. Giînay. DSİ-UNDP project, 1980 TOR77-015, Ankara

  • PERİNÇEK, D,, 1978,. Çelikhan-Sincik-Koçali (Adıyaman) alanının Jeoloji incelemesi ve petrol olanaklarının araştırılması. İ.Ü. Fen. Fak. Tatb. Jeo. Kürsüsü Doktora Tezi, İstanbul

  • ÖNAL, A., 1982, Büyükçekmece-Karaağaç (İstanbul.) alanının Jeoloji ve Hidrojeoloji incelemesi,, LÜ. Yer1 Bil. Fak.... Lisans Tezi

  • ÖNAL, A., 1989, Malatya-Yeşilyurt Derme Karst kaynağının Hidrojeolojik incelememesi. LÜ. Fen Bilimleri Ens.. Yük. Lisans Tezi.,

  • Geochemical characteristics ^and areal/regional distribution of the Tertiary volcanism in the surroundings of Eleşkirt (Ağrı), Eastern Turkey
    Tuncay Ercan İsmail Keskin Mustafa Dönmez
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    ABSTRACT: Tertiary volcanism in the surroundings of Eleşkirt, a provincial, town, of Ağrı, in Eastern Anatolia,commenced at the beginning of Upper Miocene and continued till to the middle of Lower Pliocene, with three main/distinct, phases. Upper1 Miocene aged Kösedağ volcanics are. represented by dacitic lavas, tuffs and. agglomerates.. UpperMiocene, aged Sekirdağ volcani.cs are. mainly represented by andésites with subordinate trachyandesite and dacite type lavas` and pyrocla.sti.cs, Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene, aged. Karakurt volcanics are largely represented by dacites andlocally by rhyodacite, rhyolite .and andesitic lavas- interbedded with tuffs .and ignimbrites. The results of geochemical(carried out on this ttiree-distirtcit volcanic rocks) analyses indicate a subalkaline affinity with calcalkaline characteristicsand show similar chemical characteristics with that of Cascade-type cale alkaline, volcanic rock. The geochemical resultsalso indicate that the volcanic, rocks of the investigated area were, basically originated from, a crustal magma and. represents the earliest products, of the post-collisional volcanism in the Eastern Anatolia, resulting from, mantle uplifting underlying a thick, crust, that was- formed, in. a compressional regime.

  • Eleşkirt(Ağrı)

  • Volcanism

  • Geochemical Feature

  • Regional Spread

  • Aktimur, H. T., Tekir, M. E,., Yurdakul, M,. E., Ercan.» T..,,, Kcccr, M,,, Ürgün, B., Gürbüz, M., Can, B, ve Yaşar T.,,, 1991, Kars-Arpaçay dolayının jeolojisi ve Ncojen-Kuvatcrner yaşlı volkanitlerin petrolojisi: Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı. BülL, 6,104-117.

  • Auyoshkov, E, V., 1973,, Stress in `the lithosphère caused by crystal thickness inhomogenities: Jour. Geophys., 78,7675-7708,

  • Artyushkov, E. V., 1981,» Mechanism of continental riflogcncsis: Tectonophysics, 73,9-14.

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  • Bilgin, A.,, 1934, Serçeme (Erzurum.) deresi ve dolayındaki volkaniüerin jeokimyası: Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı BülL, 5,41-50

  • Bilgin, A., 1987,, Serçeme (Erzurum) volkaniilerinin mineralojisi, petrografisi: A. Ü. İsparta Müh. Fak. Derg.,3,47-59

  • Buket, E., 1988,, Doğu. Anadolu volkanik provensinin jeokimyası; Varto (Doğu. Anadolu) yöresindeki Tersiyer ve Kuvaterncr yaşlı volkaniklerin ana,, iz» nadir toprak element içerikleri ve Sr, Nd izotop jeokimyası: Hacettepe Üniversitesinde Yerbilimlerinin 20. Yılı Sempozyumu Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, 54.

  • Buket, E., 1989, Petrology and major element gcochcmislrg of Tertiary and Quaternary volcanics from Varto` region, Eastern. Turkey; Metu Journal of Pure and applied sciences,,, 22/3,69-89.

  • Di Giralomo, P., 1984, Magmatic character and geotectonic setting of some Tertiary-Quaternary Italian volcanic rocks; Orogenic, Anorogcnic and transitional association-A review: Bull. Volcan.., 47/3,421-432.

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  • Ercan, T.,» Tokcl, S. s Matsuda, J.L, Ui,, T., Notsu,, K. ve Fujitani, T., 1992, Hasandağı-Karacadağ (Orta Anadolu) .Kuvaterner volkanizmasına ilişkin yeni jeokimyasal izotopik ve radyometrik. veriler: Türkiye Jeoloji Kumltayı Bülteni, 7,8-21,

  • Ercan, T. ve Asutay, H. I.,, 1993,, Malatya-ElazığTunceli-Bingöl-Diyarbakır, dolaylarındaki NeojenKuvatemer yaşlı volkanitlerin petrolojisi: AÜFF Jeoloji Böl. Suat Erk Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı 291-302..

  • Gottini, V., 1968,, The TiO2 Frequency in. volcanic rocks: Geol.Rdsck, 57,930-935.

  • Gottini» V., 1969, Serial character of the volcanic rocks of Pantelleria: Bull, Volcan,., 3,818-827.

  • Gülen, L., 1980, Strontium isotope geochemistry of mount Ararat,,, and Süphan volcanics,, Eastern Turkey: EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 61, 17

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