Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

1990 KASIM Cilt 14 Sayı 2
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The Analysis of evolution and structurai items of The Western Taurus - Lycia - Nappes
Şükrü Ersoy
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ABSTRACT: As is known, nativ and foreign geologists have been investigating onthe S W Anatolian since very early ages. There is no the geological evolution pattern of the SW Anatolian, up to now in spite of more data. However These knowledges aren`t extremely sufficient. According to data available, author have been tried, to propose the structural Items and the geological evolution of autochthonous, para-autochthonous and allochthonous of this region.

  • Western Taurus

  • Nappes Structural İtems

  • Evolution Analysis

  • Autochthonous

  • Allactone

  • Adamda, Sh. A,.; Odıkhmezuri, Z.V...;, I.D. (1977), main features of tectonics, magniatism and métallogeny of the Caucasus,. Sixth Colloquium, on Geology of the Aegean Region İZMİR, s. 1-9.

  • Akkök, R,.; Satır, M; Şengör, ÂİVf.C. (1984),, Menderes Masifi`nde tektonik olayların, zamanlaması ve sonuçları. Ketin Simp., s. 93-94.

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  • Çağlayan,, A.M.; Oztifark, E.M.; öztürk, Z.; Sav, A,; Akat, U. (1980). Menderes Masifi güneyine ait bulgular ve yapısal yorum. Jeo, Müh. 10, 9-17.

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  • Dumont, J.F.; Uysal. S.; Monod, O. (1980), La série de Zindan. un. element de liaision entre platforme et bassın a Fest d`Isparta (Taurides occidentales, Turquie),. Bull. Soc, geol. Fr,.22, 225-232

  • Erakman, B.; Meşhur, M.; Gül, M.A.; Alkan, H.; Öztaş, Y.; Akpınar, M, (1986), Fethiye-Köyceğiz-Tefenni-ElmalıKalkan arasında kalan alanın jeolojisi: Türkiye 6. Petrol Kong.,, Jeoloji Bildirileri: Güven» A.; Dinçer, A.,.; Derman, A.S. (eds.)t 23-32.

  • Ercan, T.; Günay, E.; Törkecan, A. (1982), Bodrum yarımadasının, jeolojisi. MTA Enst. Derg., 97-98, 21-23

  • Ersoy, Ş. (1989a), Fethiye (Muğla) - Gölhisar (Burdur) .arasında Güney Dağı ile Kelebekli Dağ ve dolaylarının jeolojisi. Doktora tezi (yayınlanmaınış). İÜ Fen Bilimi. Ens.,,, 246 s..

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  • Hall» R.; Audley-Charles, M,G.; Carter, DJ . (1984), The significance of Crete for the `evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean,. In: Dixon, J. .and. Robertson, A.H..F. (eds). The Geological, evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean. Special publication of the Geological Society, London 17t 499-516

  • Harburyt N.A.; Hall, R. (1988),, Mesozoic extensional. history of •the Southern Tethyan continental margin, in. `the SE Aegean. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 145, p.283-301.

  • Hay ward, A.B., (1984), Miocene, clastic sedimentation related to the- emplacement of the Lycian Nappes and `the Antalya Complex, S`W Turkey, In;: Dixon, J. and, Robertson» A.HJF. (eds). The Geological Evolution of the Eastern. Mediterranean. Special Publication of the Geological Society, London. 17, 287-301.

  • Marcoux, I. (19 ), A scenario for the both of anew oceanic realm. the Alpine Neo-Tethys. 10th. Congr. of Sedkn. Abstract, H, 419-420.

  • Monod, Ö. (1977), géologiques dams le Taurus occidental au Sud. de Beyşehir (Turquie). Thèse Université Paris-Sud Orsay.

  • Mufti, E; Orombelli, G,.:;, Pbzzi, R. (1970),, Geolgical studies on . the Dodecannese islands (Aegean sea). IX Geological map of the island of Rhodes (Greece): Explanatary notes. Am., Geo. des Pays Hellen ATHEÎsöES, 79-226.

  • Qrombelli, G.;; Lozej, G,.P.; Rossi, L.A. (1967), Preliminary notes on the Datça peninsula (SW Turkey). LJncei-Rend. Sc.Fis.Mat e. nat XLÏÏ, 830-841.

  •,,, M. (1979), Ebnah-Kaş (Ahntalya) arasındaki bölgenin jeolojisi (doktora tezi),. ÎÜFF Monografileri 29

  • Özgül, N. (1976), Torosların bazı temel özellikleri, TJK Bült. 19, 65-78.

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  • Poisson» A. (1977), Recherches Géologiques dans les Taurides occidentales,. (Turquie),. Thèse doct. d`etat. Université Paris» Xi-Orsay» 795.

  • Ricou, E.L. (1980), Toroslar`ın Helenidler ve Zagridler arasındaki yapısal rolü. TJK Bült, 23, 2, 101.

  • Roussi, L.A. (1966), La. geologia della Peninsola di Datça (Turchia). Doctorate thesis-., Milano Üniv. italya,, 184p,.

  • Selçuk, H.; Örçen, S..; Bilgin, Z.R.; Şenel, M.; Durukan, E. (1985), Keller (Burdur-Dirmil) Tektonik Penceresi. Türkiye Jeo. Kurult. (Bildiri Özetleri), 9.

  • Şenel, .M. (1986), Tahtahdağ (Antalya) ve dolayının jeolojisi (doktora tezi), 10 Fen Bilimi. Ens. Jeoloji Müh. Anabilirn Dalı, 232 s.

  • Şengör, A.IVİC, and Yılmaz, Y. (1981), Tethyan evolution of Turkey. A plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics, 75» 181-241.

  • Thuizat, R.; Whitechurch, H.; Montigny, R.; Jutean, T.. (1981), K-Ar Dating :of some, infra-ophiolitic metamorphic soles. from `the Eastern mediterranean. New evidence for oceanic thrusthigs before obducdon Earth planet. Sei. Lett. 52, 302-310.

  • Woodcook, N.H. and Robertson, A.H.F. (1977), Imbricate thrust belt tectonics and sedimentation as a guide to emplacement of part of th Antalya. Complex SW Turkey. (Second Edition, 1985). Abstracts 6th. Colloguium Geology of the Aegean Region, Izmir-Turkey,, 661-671

  • Yılmaz, P.O., Maxwell, J.C. ve Muehlberger, W.R., (1981), Antalya kompleksinin yapısal evrimi ve Doğu Akdenizdeki yeri:; Yerbilimleri,, Hacettepe Üniv. Yerb. EnscBült, 7,, 119-127.

  • Vedat Oygür
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  • Gold

  • Mining

  • Mineral

  • Raw Materials

  • Arango, O., 1988, The world gold market: Workshop on Rare and Precious Metals, A,. Fuganti ve G. Morteani (ed), Quadermi di Castel Ivano, No 7, 199-202.

  • Boisson» P., 1987» Rôle croissant de l`or sur le marché des matières premières minérales: Chrom,. Rech.., Min.,, No 488, 75-79.

  • Boyle, R.W.,, 1979» The geochemistry of gold and its deposits: Canada Geol. Surv. Bull, 280, 584 s

  • Bözdağ» Ş., 1990, Altın ve pazarı; MTA. Genel Müd., Fizibilite Etûd. Dai Rapor (yayınlanmamış).

  • BRGM, Dép. Marchés et. Prospectives, 1984, Les facteurs qui influent sur le marché de l`or: Chron. Rech, Min..,, No 474» 41-48.,

  • Cranstone, D. A., 1985» The history of gold discoveries in Canada - an unfinished story: CM Bull,, 78(882), 59-65.,

  • International Mining, 1990 July, Vol. 7, No 7, s.6.

  • Interational Mining» 1990 May» Vol 7» No 5,.s. 10

  • Johnson,, C, 1990, Ranking countries for minerals exploration: Mining Jour, Gold 1990 Supp., 31.4 (8072),, 1.5-19

  • Lucas, J.M., 1985» Gold: Mineral. Facts and Problems,, Bur. Mines Bull, 675» 323-338,

  • Milling-Stanley» G., 1988,, The international gold scene: Intern. Min., Sept. 1988» 10-14.

  • Mining Engineering, 1990 May, Annual Review 1989,

  • Ni sic, B., 1987,,, La renaissance de l`industrie aurifère et les perspectives du marché de l`or: Chron. Rech, Min,» No 488, 19-25.

  • Solution of the schreinemakers method by a computer programme and application to the natural minerai assemblages
    Osman Candan Yilmaz Gültekin Osman Özcan Dora
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    ABSTRACT: Mineral assemblages stable according to Gibbs phase rule can be shown, on the diagrams having axes such as P/T, log f/(i by the Schrein.emak.ers method,. These diagrams may be too complex on the basis of `the number of the components and the degreees of freedom in the system. A computer programme in BASIC language is developed in order to .solve such kind of complex systems which can be solved in. very long times with small calculators. This programme was adopted for the IBM-PC because of .the wide distributions of these computers, öne natural sample which was studied by the Scheinemakers method, is resolved by the proposed programme in order to show the application of programme. It is possible to obtain all the parameters of the system to be .solved by this computer programme `without any additional calculations.

  • Schreinmakers Method

  • Computer Program

  • Natural Mineral Assemblages

  • Bemroirîer, M ve Hock,, V., 1983,, Metamorphose der Serpentin - Randsteine im. Obersten Möltal (Kärnten, Österreich). Karinthin, 89, S. 51-71» Salzburg/Österreich.

  • Candan., O., 1988,, Demirci-Borlu Arasında Kalan Yörenin. (Menderes Masifi Kuzey Kanadı) Petrografisi» petrolojisi ve Mineralojisi.. D.E.,0.,Müh.Mim,.Fak,Jeo.,.Müh.BöI. (Doktora tezi) 156 s., Yayınlanmamış

  • Dora» O.Ö., Candan» O.» 1989-a, Schreinemakers Yöntemine Göre Kuramsal Mineral İlişkileri,. Eğitim Yayınları (Hazırlanmakta)..

  • Dora, O. ö ve Candan,, O.» (baskıda) Schreinemakers Yönteminin Menderes Masifinin Kuzey Kanadında, Demirci-Borlu Arasında, Kalan Bir Alana Uygulanması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi» Yer Bilimleri Dergisi.

  • Korzhinskü, DS,,, 1959, Physicochemical Basis of the Analysis of the Paragenesis of Minerals. New York, consultants Bureau. Inc., 142 p,

  • Morey, G., 1936,, The Phase Rule and. Heterogeneous Equilibrium,, in F.G. Donnan and Arthur Haas, Eds., A commentary on the Scientific Writings of J. Williard Gibbs, v.l.,, Thermodynamics: New Haven,» Yale University Press,, p. 233-293.,

  • Morey,, G.W ve Williamson,, E.D., 1.918,, Pressure-Temperature e Curves in Univariant Systems,. .Am.. Chem. Soc. Your., v. 40, p.59-84

  • Niggli, P., 1930, P-T Diagramme für bestimmte Phasenzahl: Chemie der Erde v.5, p.201-224.

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  • Zen,, E,,,, 1.966, Construction of Pressure-Temparature Diagrams for Multicomponent Systems After the Method, of Schreinemakers A Geometric Approach., U.S.Geol. Surv. Bull. 1225, 1-56.

  • Ünal Soygür
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  • Geotechnical Services

  • Geology

  • Civil Engineering

  • Gravitational Acceleration

  • Evolution of carbonate platforms
    Eşref Atabey
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    ABSTRACT: Carbonate platforms evolved to rimmed, shelf from ramp and isolated platforms they are drowned with time. Commonly, we can. observe a transition from one type to another, Residental commuties be haves mainly as sediment .producers and as bafflers» trappers, and binders.. Carbonate ramps may be developed at times of tectonic or climatic crises,. Homoclinal ramps, develop on gently regional paleoslopes. Ramps with fringing banks may develop on paleoslopes with higher gradients than those with barrier banks., Distally steepened ramps develop where earlier rimmed shelves undergo widespread drowning,. Rimmed corbonate... shelves are mostly develop on continental shelves in low-latitude areas,, where reefal biota are abundant. High rate of upbuilding commonly associated with reefal biota, increases relief and steepens the margin. Margins may change with time to accretionary, bypass and erosional margins. Isolated platforms develop on rifted continental and transitional crust. Most oceanic atolls develop on subsiding oceanic volcanoes, Platforms undergo incipient or complete drowning where sea level rise or subsidence exceeds upbuilding. After rapid sea level rise buildups and rims shows three buildup phases; as a lag phase,, a catch-up phase and a keep-up phase. On the passive margins, corbonate platforms commonly develop over rift volcanics, immature elastics and evaporites. On convergent margins,, they show different evolution pattern.., The progradation of the platforms may be stopped by the volcanism, subsidence of the margins, the falling of the sea level and naturally lasting up of system through the time.

  • Carbonate Platform

  • Evolution

  • Self

  • Tectonic Activity

  • ATABEY, E., 1990, Karbonat platformlarının, sınıflaması fasiyes modelleri ve evrimi/Toros Karbonat: Platformu A.Ü. Fen Bil. Enstitüsü, Doktora Semineri,, 108s

  • BLENDINGER, WM 1986» Isolated stationary carbonate plat forms, the Middle Triassic (Ladinian) of the Marmalod; area» dolomites, Italy, Sedimentology, 33, 159-183,.

  • BOSELLtNl, A,,,. 1984, Progradation. geometries of carbonau platforms, examples; from `the Triassic of the dolomites northern. Italy,. Sedimentology, 31, 1-24.,

  • BURCHETTE, T.P., 1988» Tectonic control on carbonat • platform faciès distribution and sequence devclopmen Miocene,, Gulf of Suez, Sedimentary GeoL, 59,,, 179-204,

  • ClSNE, I.L.,, 1986, Eearthquakes recorded statigraphically o: carbonate platforms, Nature» 323» 320-322.

  • DEMICOO, R.V., 1985,,. Platform and off-platform carbonates c the Upper Cambrian of Western Maryland, USA Sedimentology, 3:2, 1-22.

  • DEMtRKOL, C, 1989,,, Pozaxiti-Karsanti-Karaisali yöresinin karbonat platformunun stratigrafisi ve jeolojik evrimi (Doğu Toroslar) MTA Derg,, 109, 25-36.

  • DÎETZ, R.S., and HOLDEN, I.C, 1973, Geotectonic evolution and subsidence of Bahama platform: Reply, Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull,, 84, 3477-3482.

  • FERNANDEZ-MENDÎOLA, P.A.,, .and GARClA-MONDEJAR, I, 1.989,,, Evolution ol a Mid-Cretaceous carbonate platform, Gorbea (Northern. Spain), Sedimentary GeoL,, 64, 111-126

  • GAWTHORPE, R.L., 1986, Sedimentation during carbonate ramp-to-slope evolution in a tectonic all y active area: Bowland Basin (, N.England, Sedimentology, 33,, 185-206

  • HECKEL, P.H., 19972» Pennsylvanian statigraphic reefs in Kansas» some modern comparisons and implications» Geol. Runshau, 61, 584-598

  • HURST, IM.,, and. SURLYK, F., 1983, Initaiîon evolution and destruction of an early Paleozoic carbonate shelf, eastern North Greenland, Journal of GeoL, 91, 671-691.

  • JAMES, N.P.,1979, Faciès models 11,, Reefs, in R.G.Walker ed., Faciès models, Geoscicnce Can.Repr.Ser., 1, 121-132

  • JANS A, L,,, 1981, Mesozxric carbonate platforms and. banks of the eastern North American margin,,, Marine GeoL, 44,, 97-117.

  • KENDALL,,C.G..St.C.,and SCHLÄGEREI 981, Carbonates and relative changes in sea level, Marine GeoL, 44, 181-212.

  • K.LÖVAN, J.E,,,, 1974,, Development of western Canadian Devonian reefs and comparison with Holocene analoques, AAPG Bull., 58, 787-799.

  • KÖÇYÎĞÎT, A,.,, 1981,, İsparta büklümünde (Batı Toroslar) Toros Karbanat Platformunun evrimi» Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bük., 24, 15-23,

  • MULLINS, HX, and LYNTS, G,.W,.„, 1977, Origin of the norilıwestcm Bahama Platform-Review and rcintcrpretation, GSABulL, 88» 1447-1461

  • PLAYFORD,,, P.E.., 1980,. Dconian Great Barrier Reef of Canning basin, Western Australia, AAPG Bull., 64,, 814-840

  • .READ,,, J.F., 1982, Carbonate platforms of passive (cxtansional) continental margins-types, characteristics and. evolution,, Tectonophysics, 81, 195-217

  • READ, J.F., 1985, Carbonate platform fades models, Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrl.GeoL, 69, 1.-21

  • ROBERTSON, A,.H..F.,, 1987, Upper Cretaceous Muti. Formation, Transition of a Mesozoic Nate platform to a foreland Basin in the Oman Mountains, Sedimentology,, 34, 1123-1142,

  • SCHLAGER» W., 1981, The paradox of drowned reefs and carbonate platforms, GSA Bull., 92, 197-211

  • TEKELİ, O..,,, 1980, Toros larcla,, Aladağların yapısal evrimi, Türkiye Jeol. Kurumu Bült, 23, 11-14

  • WALDRON, J..W..F.,, 1984, Evolution of carbonate platforms on. a margin of the Ncotethys ocean, İsparta angle, soutwestern Turkey,, Eclogae Geol. Helve.,,, 77, 553-581,.

  • Search of source rock faciès and petroleum occurrence in Sivas basin, through organic geochemical methods
    Sadettin Korkmaz
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    ABSTRACT: In Sivas basin a sequence, comprising detritic and evaporitic sedim.en.ts, approximately 6000 metres in thickness resting upon, a metamorphic and ophiolitic basement, crops out. In this sequence, the occurrences` of two different formations appropriate for being a hydrocarbon source rock: have been determined.. In the. basin, samples collected from, these units have been analyzed in,, On the basis, of these analysis the. potentials of these formations for creation of petroleum .and natural gas,, have been, searched.

  • Sivas Basin

  • Bedrock Facies

  • Oil Formation

  • Organic Geochemical Methods

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  • Dow, W.G., 1978, Petroleum source beds on. continental slope and rises: A.A.P.G. Bull.» 62, 9, s. 1584-1606

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  • Urban., J.B., 1976, Palynology, thermal maturation by vitrinitc reflectance and visual color estimation and kerogen description, of source rocks: Core Lab Inc.. sp. publ.

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  • The geology of the pumice deposits of Gölcük-Isparta Vicinity
    Mustafa Kuşçu Mehmet Atasever Gedikoğlu
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    ABSTRACT: Triassic-Cretaceous aged Akdağ limestones and Burdigalian aged flysch unit occur at the basement,, Gölcük- Isparta around. In the vicinity of Gölcük, Pliocene, volcanism has an, .andezitic .and trachiandezitic character. Its products are lava, dyke and. pyrociastics. The volcanism. erupted several times,,, in the area. Pyroclaslic units in connection with the Gölcük volcanism are divided into volcanic brechia and. aglomerates, over volcano- sedimentary unit, pumice levels and. upper volcano-sedimentary unit. In. this pyroclastic unit, the pumice deposits present mainly in. two different horizons; block-bearing pumice and economic pumice, Pümice deposits formed depending on explosive trachi-andesitic volcanism. Gölcük-Isparta pumice deposits can supply for the light building materials needs of the central Mediterranean and Lakes districts, not only by their quality but also their reserves.

  • Isparta-Gölcük

  • Ponza Bearings

  • Geological Location

  • Limestones

  • Volcanism

  • Bales, R.L., 1969, Geology of the Industrial Rocks and Minerals.:: 2 nd Ed., New York, Dover Publication.,

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  • Poisson, A., Akay, E,.,„ Dumont, J.F., Uysal, Ş., 1984 The Ispart a Angle: a Mesozoik paleorift in the Western Taurides: International symposium.,, Geology of the Taurus Belt 11-26: M.T.A. Yayını-Ankara

  • Saniz, K., 1985, Keçiborlu Kükürt yataklarının oluşmu ve yörenin jeolojisi: Anadolu. Oniv. Müh.Mim.Fak.yayınlan, No: 22

  • Şenel» M., 1984» Discussion om the Antalya Nappes: International symposiums Geology of the Taurus Belt, 41-51: MTA yayını-Ankara

  • Yalçınkaya, S., Ergin, A.,, Afşar, O.P., Taner, K., 1.986 Batı Torosların jeolojisi, MTA Genel Müdürlüğü, İsparta Projesi Raporu.

  • Side Scanning Sonar, Its Application and Importance In Marine Geology
    Güven Özhan
    View as PDF

    ABSTRACT: .As sonic waves propagate very well in water, acoustic methods are therefore the most valuable tool for sea bed - reconnaissance. Side scanning sonar is a powerful tool for precise and detailed investigation, of sea floor» for both, geological, and geotechnical purposes on continental shelves and in. deeper waters., Ultra sonic pulses (frequency range:: 30-100 kHz) are laterally transmitted at. regular` time, intervals, by one or two groups of transducers fitted in a tow `"fish."`,. The beam is a very narrow in the horizontal plane (I to 2°) and wider in. the vertical plane (10 to 40°). As the ship moves forward,, the sonic beam sweeps the sea floor. "Lateral sonars have no penetration and give only the visible details of the sea floor. The tool, is an. effective support in. the bathymetry,, sea floor1 geology,, sea floor engineering search (harbor and dredging studies, platform site investigation, cable and pipeline route selection.).,

  • Lateral Carrier

  • Sea Geology

  • Acoustic Waves

  • Sea Base Geology

  • Amar, R..,» 1973,,, Recent, trench, sea-bed, reconnaissance, methods and. techniques: Rep. from Ind Pet Europe-Gaz Chimie,, 439, 5s

  • Amar, R., Kuhn, H., 1974, Sidescan sonar is a powerful, in seafloor investigation; Ref. from the May, 1974 Offshore, 2s.

  • Deffrenne, P., 1970, Un exemple de choix de trace de conduite sous- marine par sonar à balayage lateral: Photo Interprétation, 6, 3, 17.

  • Deffrenne, P., Grau, G., 1970, Obtention, traintement et inteptétation des images, acoustiques de sonar â balayage latéral: Pho Lit, 6, 1-2,12.

  • Fontanel, A., Kuhn,,, H., 1970, Un exemple d`utilisation du sonar à balayage latéral pour l`établissement de cartes bathymetriques détaillées: Pho Int, 6, 1-2, 12.,

  • Hovland, M.,, 1981, Characteristics of pockmarks in. the enorwegian •trench: Mar Geol, 39, 103-117.

  • Şükufe Nihal Aydin
    View as PDF
  • Mineraloghy

  • Petrography

  • Mehmet Yüksel Barkurt
    View as PDF
  • AKSOY.Ş., 1984, Verimlilik ve Hizmet içi Eğitim,, Amme İdaresi Dergisi» 17/4.

  • AYTAÇ.H-* 1966, Hizmet içi Eğitim, ve teknikleri, Milli Eğitim B akanlığı Yayınları...

  • DEVLET MEMURLARI EĞİTİMİ GENEL PLANİ, 1983, Resmi Gazete sayı: 18196

  • DEVLET MEMURLARI KANUNU, 1.965,,, Resmi. Gazete sayı:: 12056

  • KALKANDELEN.A.H., 198.5,,, Yöneticilerin Yetiş tir i İm es iGeliştirilmesi, Amme idaresi Dergisi» 18/2.

  • MIHÇIQGLU, C, 1968, Türkiye`de Yüksek. Kademe Yöneticilerinin Eğitimi, SBF Dergisi, 23/2.


  • A.sami Derman İbrahim Sönmez Sayili
    View as PDF
  • PRATT, D. and POPES, L., 1978, 35-mm Slides, A. manual for technical presentations,. AAPG, Tulsa, Oklahoma

  • SHINN, E.A., 198-6, A goose loose in `the audience, Chapter-1 in Figuratively Speaking: Ed. by Duncan Heron, AAPG,, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

  • GELLMAN, L.H., 1986» Psychological, slide rules, Chapter-! in Figuratively Speaking: Ed. by Duncan Heron,, AAPG,, Tulsa, Oklahoma

  • PEROW, B.D., 1986,,. Design, prenciples and applications, Chapter-3 in Figuratively Speaking: Ed. by Duncan Heron, AAPG, Tulsa, Oklahoma

  • ROPES, L., 1986, Art production: Chapter-4 in Figuratively Speaking:: Ed,, by Duncan Heron,, AAPG, Tulsa, Oklahoma

  • HERON,,, D.., Techniques for photographing artwork, rock, .specimen, and thin sections: Chapter-5 in Figuratively Speaking: Ed. by Duncan Heron., AAPG,, Tulsa., Oklahoma.

  • O`NEILL,, R.L. Jr., 1986, Black-and-white and color slides through special photographic techniques: Chapter-6 in. Figuratively Speaking: Ed. by Duncan Heron,, AAPG,, Tulsa,,, Oklahoma.

  • FREED, R..L., 1986,,, Showmanship: Techniques for giving a slide presantation: Chapter-7 in Figuratively Speaking: Ed.. by Duncan Heron.,,, AAPG, Tulsa, Oklahoma,,

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