Jeoloji Münendisliği Dergisi
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi

1992 KASIM Cilt 16 Sayı 2
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Cahit Helvaci
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  • And Mountains

  • Tectonic

  • Volcanic

  • Borat

  • Salt Deposits

  • Alonso, R,N.,( 1986» Öccurcncîa, posicion estraligraficay genesis de los Jepositos de boratos de la Puna Argentina:

  • Alonso, R.N. and Viramonte, J.G., 1985» Provincia boratifera Centroandina: IV Congreso Geologico Chileno, Universidad de Norte, Antofagasta, Şili.

  • Bain, H,F. and Read, T.T., 1934, Ores and industry in South America: New York, Council on Fereign Relations, pp. 263-264,294,

  • Barazangi, M.f and Isacks, B., 1976, Spatial distrubution of earthquakes and subduction of the Nazca plate beneath South America: Geology, v. 4, pp. 686-692,.

  • Berzina, LG., et al, 1975, Boron geochemistry in the volcanogenic-sediraentary process: 12 v. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Sen Geol. No. 5.

  • Buttgenbach, H., 1901, Gisements de borate des Salinas Grandes de la Republique Argentina: Anales Société Géologique Belgique» V,. 28, pp. 99-116.

  • Chamberlin, R.T., 1912, The physical .setting of the Chilean borate deposits: Jour., Geol,, v. 20, pp. 763-768.

  • Chilean Lithium, 1987, Salar de Alacama: World Mining Equipment.

  • Chong Diaz, G., 1984, Die Saläre in NordchileGeologie, Struktur und Geochemie: Geotckt. Forsch., 67,I-ÏÏ, 1-146, Stuttgart

  • Dickson, T., and Harben, P., 1983, Borates and `their becalmed markets: Industrial Minerals, No. 184, pp. 23-27.

  • Ericksen, G.E., 1963, Geology of the salt deposits and the salt industry of Northern Chile: U.S... Geological Survey, Open File Report, No. 698,164 p

  • Forsyth, D,W..., 1975, Faulty plane solutions and tectonics of the South Atlantic and Scotia Sea: Journal of Geophysical Research; v. 80t pp. 1429-1443.

  • Francis, P.W. and Rundle, C.C., 1976, Rates of production of the main magma types in the central. Andes: Geological Society of American Bulletin, v, 87, pp. 474-480.

  • Gill, J., 1981, Orogenic andésites and plate tectonics: New York, Springer-Verlag, pp.. 25-314,.,

  • Helvacı, C, 1989, Türkiye bor madenciliğinin işletme, stoklama ve pazarlama sorunlarına mineralojik bir yaklaşım : Jco, Müh., Sayı 34-35, p. 5-17.

  • Helvacı, C, and Alonso, R..N..., 1992, Primary inyoite in a recent playa of northern Argentine: Mineralogy and. Peirology (baskıda),

  • James, D.E..,, 1.971, Plate tectonic model for the evolution of the Central. Andes: Geological Society of Amersca. Bulletin, v. 82, pp. 3325- 2346,.,

  • Kistler, R.B, and Smith, W.C., 1983, Boron and borates: in Le fond, SX, ed., Industrial Min- = erals and rocks, 5 the, ed., v. 1, New York, AIME, pp. 548-550,.

  • Lyday, P.A., 1984, Boron in 1983; Mineral Industry Surveys, U.S. Dept. of `the Interior, Jan...., 4 p

  • Muessig, S., 1966,, Recent South American borate deposits: in Rau., J..L,.,, ed., Transactions, Second. Symposium, on salt: Cleveland, Ohio, Northern Ohio Geological SOcicty, v. 1, pp. 151-159

  • Ozol, A.A..,» 1976, Basic features of boron, geochemistry and formation conditions for its deposits of the volcanogenic-sedimcntary type: translated from Litologiya Polczne IsKopaemye, No. 3, May-June, pp. 60-74, New York, Plenum, pp. 320-330.

  • Ozol» A.A., 1977, Plate tectonics and the processess of volcanogenic-sedimcntary formation of boron: translated from. Tcctonika pliti protessey volkanogcnnoosadachnogo obrazovaniya bora, AN USSR Invcstiya, Ser. GcoL, No. 8, pp... 68-75, International Geology, Rev,, v. 20, No. 6, pp. 692-696,

  • Turner, J.C.ML, 1.964,, Descripcion Gcologica de La. Hoy a 7C-Ncvado de Cachi: Dir. Nac. GcoL, v,. 99, 81 p.

  • Zeil, W., 1979, The Andes, a geological review: Berlin, Gebrüder Burntraegcr, pp. 56-195.,

  • Economical and Geological properties of Kestanecik and Kozağaç (Yatağan-Muğla) Marble Deposite
    Mustafa Kuşçu
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    ABSTRACT: The Muğla-Yatağan marbles occur in different, stratigraphie levels of cover schists of theMenderes massif. Although various marbles are found, in the cover schist» only two of them (Kestanecik andKozağaç Marbles) are the most important deposits for the region and Turkey becouse of qualities, reserves»production amounts and. potential.Permi» aged the Kestanecik marble outcrops in. the metamorphic schists. It lies in NE-SW direction.aproximately 4 km in length and has 50-150 m thickness. It has a white colour and occasionally purpleveins. The marble consists of calcite, dolomite crystals changing between 600-700 microns in sizes and themarble are cut by purple veins which is composed of manganocalcite, rhodocrosite and pyrolusitc minerals.Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous aged the Kozağaç marble extends E-W and NE-SW directions aproximately 40 km. in length. The marble has thick, beddings and are white and grayish, white in colour. ît contain totally calcite. Calcite crystals are ranging between 1-2 mm in size is found in granoblastic texture,Muğla-Yatağan marble provence has geologically billions m3 block marble reserves. Annually 25 000m3 block marbles are produced in both of the Kestanecik and the Kozağaç marble areas

  • Kestanecik ve Kozağaç(Yatağan-Muğla)

  • Marble Beds

  • Geology

  • Economy

  • Andolfato, U., 1967» Muğla ili mermer kaynaklarının tetkiki,» yataklar, ocaklar ve sanayii: META Etüd Arama Rapora..

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  • Anonim, 1987, Tabiî Yapı Taşlan muayene ve deney metodlan: Türk Standarttan Enstitüsü Yayını, TS 699, 82 s, Ocak, Ankara.

  • Anonim, 1990, Türkiye Mermerleri Katalogu; İMMİB Yayını, İstanbul

  • Ayan, M., 1973, Gördes Migmatitleri: .MTA Dergisi, No. 81, 132-155.

  • Pettijota, EX, 1975, Sedimentary rocks: Harper International edition, 628 S. New York,

  • Başarır, E., 1970, Bafa Gölü doğusunda kalan Menderes Masifi, güney kanadının jeolojisi ve petrografisi: Ege Univ. Fen Fak. İlmi Raporlar serisi 102, Jeoloji. 8, İzmir

  • Boray, A. ve dig-, 1975, Menderes Masifinin güney kenarı boyunca bazı önemli sorunlar ve bunların muhtemel çözümleri: 50. Yıl Yerb. Kongresi Tebliğleri, 11-21, MTA Yayını, Ankara.

  • Çağlayan, M.A., Özüiık, MJEM Sav, H., Akat, U., 1980, Menderes Masifi Güneyine ait bulgular ve yapısal yorum.: Jeoloji Müh.. Dergisi, S. 10., 9-17, Ankara..

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  • Dora, Ö., 1975, Menderes Masifinde alk.ali.feldspatlann yapısal durumları ve bunların petrojenetik yorumlarda kullanılması: T..IK, BülL, Cilt 18, Sayı 2, Ankara.

  • Ketin, İ., 1983/`Türkiye Jeolojisine Genel Bir Bakış: İTÜ Yayını, Sayı 1259, İstanbul.

  • Kuşçu, Al, 1991, Muğla-Yatağan, yöresi mermer yatakları: Metalimden» Türkiye İhracat Dergisi, C. 2, Sayı 3,41-44, istanbul.

  • Oıtıony Ş., Yılmaz, A.f 1987, Kurukümes (Milas) zımpara yatağı arama raporu: Etibank M.AJM. arşiv no.., 1268,11 s... Ankara.

  • Wippern, J.» 1965» Menderes Masifi çevresindeki diasporit ve zımpara yataktan: MTA Derleme no.., 3730, 83 s» Ankara

  • Cenozoic volcanism in Thrace and its regional distribution
    Tuncay Ercan
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    ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the regional distribution and. geocbemical characteristics of the Cenozoic volcanism of Thrace that commenced in Upper Eocene continuing intermittently until the end of Pliocene.The volcanic rocks of the region that Upper Eocene-Upper Oligocène aged, originated along a collision zone,.are of calcalkaline to high potassic calcalkaline affinities. The volcanism of the period of Upper Miocene isoriginated from.», the mantle, with considerable erustai contamination, and they are shoshonitic affinity., A basaltic volcanism originated from the mantle, of alkaline offinity occurred during the Pliocene constitutingthe final stages of Cenozoic activity in Thrace

  • Trakya

  • Cenozoic Volcanism

  • Geochemical Studies

  • Mantle

  • Auboin, S., 1973. Des tectoniques superposées et de leur signification par rapport aux modèles geophysiques; Y exemple des Dinarides: Bull Soc. Geol. France, 15,426-460.

  • Barberi, R, Innocenti, F., Ferrara, G.» Keller, J. ve Villan, L,,» 1974, Evolution of the Aeolian arc volcanism (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea): Earth Planet. Seien.. Lett, 21, 269-276.

  • Bonce v; E.t 1973» The post-Lutetian turning point in the evolution of the Balkanide mobile area: Geologica Balcanica, 8/3,» 25-36,

  • Bozkov, P.,,, Petrov» P.,» Stoeva» V., Boikov, D.., ve Lilov, D. s 1935, New data on the volcanism in Glogovica graben. (Kraiste): Rew,, Bulgar, GeoLSoc, 46/1, 84-91

  • Chatzidimitriadis» E., 1973» Geologish lagerstat tenkundlich Studie die perlitvolken von den .gebieten Dhadia, Westthraziens und Kalo:ni der insel Lesbos: Bull. Soc. Geol. Greece, 10/2,28-47,

  • Dabov&ki, C, Harkovska, A., Kamenov, B., Mavrudchiev, B., Stanisheva-Vassileva, G., ve Yanev, Y.t 1.991, A Geodynamic model of the Alpine magmatism in Bulgaria: Geol. Balcaii., 21/4,3-15

  • Del Moïo, A., Innocenti, F.f Kyriakopoulos, C, Manetti, P.f ve Papadopoulos, P., 1/988, Tertiary granitoids from Thrace (Northern Greece); Sr isotopic and petrochemical data: Neu... Jahr. Miner. Abb., 159/2, 113-135,.,

  • Dewey, J.F. ve Burke, K.C., 1973,,, Tibetian, Variscan and Prccambrian basement reactivation; products of continental collision:` Jour. Geol.., 81 ;683-692.,

  • Dewey, X.F., ve Şengör, A.M.C, 1979» Aegean and. surrounding regions: Complex., multiplate and continuum. • tectonics in a convergent zone: Geol. Soc, Amer. Bull., 90, 84- 92,

  • Di Giralomo, P., 1984, Magmatic character and. geotectonic setting of some TertiaryQuaternary Italian volcanic rocks; Orogenic, anorogenic and. transitional association-A review: Bull. Volcan., 47/3,421-432,..

  • Eleftheriadis, G. ve Lippold, Hi..., 1984, Altersbestimmungen Zum Olîgozanen Volkanismus der Sud-Rhodopen Nord-Griechenland: N. Jb. Geol., Paleont. Mh., 1984/3,197-191.

  • Eleftheriadis, G.t Chri.stofi.des, G, ve KassoliFoumaki, A„ 1984, Geochemistry of the High-K Calc-alkaline Basaltic sills and dykes in the South Rhodope Massif (N. Greece): Bull. Volcan, 47/3,, 569-579.

  • Eleftheriadis,, G.. ve, G., 1980,. Rhyolitic dykes south of Kymi village (Thrace, N, Greece): Geologica Balcanica, 10/2,71-78,.

  • .Ercan, T., 1979» Batı Anadolu, Trakya ve Ege adalarındaki Senozoyik volkanizması: Jeoloji Mühendisliği Derg., 9,23-46.

  • Ercan.» T., 1982» Kula yöresinin Jeolojisi ve volkanitlerin petrolojisi: İstanbul Yerbilimleri Derg;.,, 3» 77-124,..

  • Ercan, T., Satır, M., Kreuzer, H., Türkecan, A.,» Güney E., Çevikbaş, A.,» Ateş, M. ve Can, B., 1985, Batı Anadolu Senozoyik. volkanitlerine ait yeni kimyasal» izotopik ve radyomeirik verilerin yorumu: Tüıkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült. 28/2,121-136.

  • Ercan, T. ve Günay, E., 1985, Kuzeybatı Anadolu, Trakya ve Ege adalarındaki Oligomiyosen yaşlı volkanizmanın gözden geçirilişi: Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bülteni, 5» 119- 139.

  • Ercan, T. ve Gedik,. A., 1986, Karadeniz ve Trakya`da yapılan derin sondajlardan alınan karoflardaki volkanik kayaçlann petrolojisi ve volkanizmanın bölgesel yayılımı: Jeomorfoloji Derg., 14, 39-48

  • Ercan, T., Satır, M., Türkecan, A., Akyürek, B.f Çevikbaş, A., Günay E., Ateş, M. ve Can, B., 1986, Ayvalık çevresinin jeolojisi ve volkanik kayaçlann petrolojisi: Jeoloji Mühendisliği Derg.,,, 27,19-30,

  • Fytikas, M.f Giuliani, O,„ Innocenti, F., Manetti, P., Mazzuoli, R., Pcccerillo, A... ve Villan.,. L., 1980, Neogene volcanism of the northern and central Aegean region: Ann. GeoL Pays Hellen» 30, 106-129

  • Fytikas, M., Innocenti,,, F., Manetti, P., Mazzuoli, R., Peccerillo, A. ve Villan, L., 1984, Tertiary to Quaternary evolution of volcanism in the Aegean region: The Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean.,, JJB. Dixon ve A,H,F. Robertson, Ed.,, Geological Society Special Pb., 17,. 687-699.

  • Georgalas, GM 1950, Beitrage zur kenntnis eignier jungtertiarer erQptivgesteine der insel Imbros: Bull Volcan., 10,78-89.

  • Harkovska, A., 1983, Spatial and temporal relations between volcanic activity and sedimentation in the stratified Paleogene from the central, parts of Mesta .graben (SW Bulgaria): Geologica Balcanica, 2. 3-20.

  • Harkovska,, A.,, Yanev,, Y. ve Marchev, P., 1989» General Features of the Paleogene orogenic magmatism in Bulgaria: GeoL Balcan; 19/1, 37-72.

  • Irvine, T.N. ve Baragar, W.R.A., 1971, A guide to the chemical classification of the common volcanic rocks: Can. Jour. Earth Seien., 8, 523-548

  • Innocenti, F., Koltos, N.» Manetti, P..» Mazzuoli» R., Rita» F., ve Villari, L., 1984,, Evolution and geodynamic significance of the Tertiary orogenic volcanism in-northeastern Greece: Bull Volcan., 47/1, 25-37?.

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  • Lilov, P., Yanev, Y. ve Marchev, P., 1987, K/Ar dating of the Eastern Rhodope Paleogene magmatism,: GeoL Bale, 17,49-58.

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  • Morrison, G., 1980, Characteristics .and tectonic setting on the shoshonite rock association: Lithos, 13,97-108.

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  • Önal, M. ve Yılmaz, H.f 1983, Gelibolu yarımadasında iki farklı yaşta iliş fasiyesindeki kil mineralleri ve gömülme derinliğine ait bazı ipuçları: Jeoloji Mühendisliği Derg., 18,23-30,

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  • Pearce, J.A., 1976, Statistical analyses of major element pattern in basalts: Journal of Petrology, 17/1,15-43.

  • Peccerillo, A. ve Taylor, S.R., 1976, Geochemistry of Eocene calcalkaline volcanic rocks from Kastamonu area, Northern Turkey: Contrib. Mineral Petrol., 58, 63-81.

  • Petnov, P., 1979, Soma features in the distribution of magmatic. hydrothermal and seismic activity in the area between Balkanides and the Aegean, arc: Geologica Balcanica 7/2, 99- 116.

  • Saner, S., 1985, Saras körfezi dolayının çökelme istifleri ve tektonik yerleşimi: Kuzeydoğu Ege denizi, `Türkiye: Türkiye Jeol. Kor., `` Bült, 28/1, M0 .

  • Soldâtes, T. ve. Christofides, G., 1986, Rb-Sr Geochrpnology and origin of the Elatio Fluten, central Rhodope» North Greece: Geol. Bale m , J 6/1,15-23.

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  • Yanev, Y.» Kradzova, B. ve Andreev, A...,,, 1983» Distribution of alkalies and genesis of the acid affusives in part of the East Rhodope Paleogene depressions: Geologica Bakamca, 3» 15-44

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  • Hydrogeoîogy of Taşdelen and Karakulak springs in İstanbul and solution proposals far the problems in the Water Catchments
    Erdoğan Yüzer Hasan Turgut Öztaş Oltan Mutlu
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    ABSTRACT: The turbidity and less flow rate of Taşdelen and Karakulak springs in Istanbul are the most important problems occuring time by time. To establish the reasons of these problems» hydrogeoîogy of the vicinity and the water catchments of these springs have in vestigated. As the result of this investigation» too small distance between topographical surface and underground discharge points and also, the insufficient enviromental arrangements at the water catchment areas are established to be main reasons of the problem, The most available and practicable solutions taking into account the main reasons of problem have been pro posed in this paper

  • İstanbul-Taşdelen ve Karakulak

  • Spring Waters

  • Hydrogeology

  • Catchmen Problems

  • Àlduman, K,, Alperat, A.» Yeniley, A. 1983,» Taşdelcn Memba Suyu Kaptajlannın Islâhı ile`İlgili Teknik Rapor, DSÎ 14,. Bölge Md., 2 s., İstanbul.

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  • Saraçlı, R,.,, 1982, tstanbul-Beykoz-Sırmakeş ve Karakulak Kaynak Sulan, ile Dolayının Hidrojeolojisi» İTÜ Maden Fak. Bitirme Ödevi, 44 s,, İstanbul.

  • Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, 1967, İçme Sulan, TS 266/Nisan 1965, UDK 663.7: 543, 32 s., Ankara.

  • Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, 1986, İçme Sulan, TS 266/Haziran 1984, UDK 662.6: 543, 91-VI s.,,, Ankara

  • Tüstaş, 1988, İstanbul Vakıf Memba Sulan İşletmesi Taşdelen Memba Suyu Tesisinin Modernizasyonu, Ankara

  • Uluhan, R., Süral, C, 1976, İl Kaynak inceleme Kurulu Raporu, 2 s., İstanbul.

  • Yıldırım, C, 1981, İstanbul Boğazı-Ömeıii Barajı Arasındaki. Önemli Kaynak Sulan ve Alcmdağ-SultançifUiği Yöresinin Kaynak Sularının Hidrojeolojisi, İTÜ Maden Fak... Bitirme Ödevi, 74 s.., İstanbul,

  • Yüzer, E., Öztaş, T., Dumlu, O., 1989, İstanbul Vakıf Memba Sulan. İşletmeleri Taşdelen Kaynağı ve Dolayının Hidrojeolojik Etüd Raporu, İTÜ Yerbilimleri ve Yeraltı Kaynaklan UYG-AR Merkezi Rapor No. 1989/ 2,47 s,, .Istanbul

  • Yüzer, E., Öztaş» T.f Dumlu, O., 1989, İstanbul Vakıf Memba Sulan İşletmeleri Karakulak Kaynağı ve Dolayının Hidrojcolojik Etüd Raporu, İTÜ Yerbilimleri ve Yeraltı Kaynaklan. UYG-AR Merkezi Rapor No. 1989/ 3,45 s., istanbul.

  • The organic fades of Uluptnar formation (Maastrichtian) in the northwestern Levent (Akçadağ-Malatya)
    Orhan Özçelik
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    ABSTRACT: In Ms study» the organic faciès classification is done on the Maastrichtian Ulupınar formation located around northwestern of Levent (Akçadağ-Malatya),. This formation consist conglomerate, sandstone, sandy marl, mari interbedded with sandstone and reef limestone rich in rudisL As a result from the Rock- Eval pyrolsis and total organic carbon analysis of the selected samples, this formation is equivalent to CD ve D organic (Jones, 1987). These organic matters are not important hydrocarbon potential.

  • Akçadağ-Malatya

  • Ulupınar Formation

  • Organic Facies

  • Hydrocarbon

  • Akkuş, M.F., 1.971, Darcnde-Balaban Havzasının (Malatya) jeolojik ve stratigrafîk incelemesi: MTADerg.,76,1-60.

  • Ayan, T.,,,, 1961, Malatya kuzeyindeki HekimhanEbreme Köyü bölgesinin (K39-c3) detay jeolojisi ve petrol imkanları: MTA Rap. No: 4186 (yayınlanmamış).

  • Ayan, T., ve Bulut, G, 1984, Balaban, Yazıhan, Kurşunlu ve Lcvnet (Malatya) Bucakları arasındaki alanın genel, jeolojisi: MTA Derg,, 62,57-81.

  • Bozkaya, Ö., 1991, Hekimhan güneyi (KB Malatya) Üst Kretase-Tersiyer yaşlı sedimanter istifin mineralojik-petrografik ve jeokimyasal incelemesi: C.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Ens,.,, Yük., Lis,. Tezi, 227 c (yayınlanmamış).

  • Durand, B., Espitalie, J., and Nicaise, G., 1972, Etude de la matière organique insoluble des argiles de Toarcien. du Bassin de Paris; Rcv. Ins. Fr, Pétrole, 27, 6, p. 865-884.

  • İlker» S., 1970» Darende dolayının jeolojisi ve petrol imkanları: TPAO Rap. No: 499 (yayınlanmamış),..

  • Jones,, R,W.., 1987, Organic Fades: In Advances in petroleum, geochemistry, V.2, (Ed. Brooks, İ., and Weite, D.H.,), 1-91

  • Karacabey-Öztemür, N.t 1980» Two new genera of Radiolitidae (Balabania n,. gen,,, Kurtinia n. gen) from Turkey: TJK Bull, C.23, S.1, 79- 87

  • Öıçen, S., 1.985» Medik-Ebrcme dolayının biyostratigrafisi ve paleontolojisi: MTA Dere.,- 10.5/106, 39-69.

  • Özçelik, O., Meriç» E,,, ve Özer,, S..,, 1990, HisarcıkEsenbey (B alaban-Malaty a) yöresi Üst Kretase-Eosen istifinin stratigrafik özellikleri: S..,Ü., Müh. Mim. Fak. Derg.,, C.5t S. 1-2, 20-29.

  • Özçelik, O., ve Altunsoy, M,., 1991, Levent (Akçadağ-Mal aty a) kuzeybatısının strati grafik özellikleri,: C.Ü. Müh. Fak,. Derg..,, Ycrbilimlcri,C.8,S.l, 47-61..

  • Tissot, B., and Welle, D.H., 1978, Petroleum. formation and occurrence: Springer-Verlag, ,538 s, New York,

    Ramazan Demirtaş Rüçhan Yilmaz Hans Berchemer Bodo Baier
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    ABSTRACT: Two different, earthquakes, which caused, severe damage and many casualties occurred in the NW part, of the Erzincan basin and in fte SE part: of the basin on March. 13 (Ms= 6.8) and 15, (Ms= 6.1) 1992, respectively. According, to the official numbers, the magnitude 6.8 Erzincan earthquake .resulted in 653 deaths, 3850 injures, 7013 heavily and 11796 slightly damaged houses. The epicenter of the earthquake of March 13,1992 located between» Yalnızbağ and Günebakan villages located, in the NW part, of the basin. The epicenter of the .another earthquake (Ms= 6.1) located between. Çağlayan and Pülümür in the SE part of the basin where the northern and southern segments of the NAF in that region make a step to the right. Geologic and seismologic data indicate that the earthquake ruptured a 45 km long segment of the NAF to a depth of 29 km. The ruptured section represents the easternmost part of the earthquake of December 26, 1939 (M= 7.9). Relative displacement of the earthquake of March 13 varies, from a few centimeters to 20 cm right lateral and up to 25 cm of throw. We determined 16 km of focal depth for the Pülümür earthquake of March 15. A clear1 surface faulting was. not observed on the ground surface due to` deep focal depth of the earthquake, thick, and unconsolidated sedimentary deposits accumulated in the basin. Surface ruptures developed, as discontinuous, a few hundred meters long and generally secoodary cracks, resulted, from seismic shaking. We observed strike-slip faulting with small reverse component in `the NW` part of the basin. In contrast to, tensional cracks formed in the- SE part of the basin. No crack was. observed, in the southern segment of the NAF extending; from Çağlayan to the eastward. Seismic shaking was locally amplified, Significant, amplification occurred in areas of unconsolidated deposits. coosisting of .alternation, of sand, gravel, and. clay layers,.. Gorund motion obtained from, this earthquake has. been. the stroogerst motion, that recorded so far,, in Turkey. Peak, accelerations were recorded, .as 0.5 g, 0.4 g .and 0.25 g in the directions of E-W, N-S and. vertical, respectively. The maximum, intensity of the Erzincan earthquake shown in the Isoseismic map was assigned as MSK VIII and this, value was compatible with data, of instrumental epicenter. Strong ground motions during the earthquake -triggered many landslides in areas of road cutting, filling grounds » unstable steep slopes and water-saturated grounds. Liquefaction and small-sized sand volcanoes were observed on the both sides of the Fırat River., A total of 6.000- aftershocks were recorded within, three months, after the main shock. The- number of aftershocks gradually decreased with time after the main shock. These aftershocks concentrated in two different places of the basin corresponding to their epiceotral regions of both earthquakes. These aftershocks concentrated in two different laces, of the basin corresponding to` their epiceotral regions of both earthquakes. These afterchocks migrated from the NW` side to the SE side of the basin, along the fault. The- focal depth of afterchocks vary from 5 km to 10 km. Both main shocks lie at the bottom of the aftershocks distribution. In many ways, the Erzincan earthquake of March 13,1992- is very similar to the Loma Prieta earthquake of October 17,1989 (M= 7.1) that ruptured a 40 km long regment of the San Andreas Fault to a depth of 18 km. and amounted to 180 cm horizontal and 120 cm vertical displacements,.,

  • Erzincan Earthquake

  • Surface Fractures

  • Aftershocks

  • Loma Prieta Earthquake

  • Markov Chain analysis applied to lignite bearing Zırnak formation (Pliocene, Hınıs)
    Ali İhsan Gevrek İlker Şengüler
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    ABSTRACT: In this study Markov chain analysis is applied to lignite bearing Zirnak Fonnation which is of Pliocene age and is located at Eastern Anatolia. It is composed of mainly conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, claystone, limestone and locally tuff agglomerate and lignite `beds. In order to apply Markov chain analysis lignite, tuff, claystone, and siltstone litofacies and their successions are counted from 5 drilling cores of Zirnak Formation. Independent trials probability, transition, probability, and difference matrixes are derived from this raw data. Litofacies relationships and transitions have statistically been described and iotrepreted. As a result; lignite-claystone and claystone-lignite transitions are similar to lignite-tuff ani-tuff-lignite transitions. The relationships between the formation of lignite and occurrence tuff have been found statistically.

  • Markov Chain

  • Linyit

  • Zırnak Formation

  • Analysis Method

  • Akay, E., Erkan, E,, Onay, E.., 1939, Muş Tersiyer havzasının stratigrafisi. MTA Dergisi Sayı: 109, S. 59-76.

  • Can, T.R., 1.982, Log-linear models, Markov chains and cyclic sedimentation. Jour. Sed. Pet Vol. 52,8.905-912...

  • Davis, J.C., 1986, Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology,.. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., U.S.A., S, 15O-1Ç2.

  • Erkan, Y,f 1990, Yerbilimciler için istatistik (çeviri) Ankara..,

  • Evans, I.E., 1991, Facies relationships, alluvial architecture and paleohydrology of a Paleo gene, humicrtropical .alluvial fan system: Chumstick Foimation Washington State USA. Jour. Sed. Pet. Vol. 61, S. 732-755.

  • Gingerich, D.D., 1969, Markov Analysis of cyclic alluvial sediments. Jour., Scd, Pet. Vol, 39, S. 330-332.

  • İlker» S., 1966, Eızunım-Muş bölgesinde Karaköse J 48 a4, di paftalarının 1/25,000 ölçekli detay petrol etüdü MTA Raporu, No: 4177 (yayınlanmamış).

  • Krumbein, W.C., 1968, Statistical models in. sedimentology. Sedimentology. Vol. 10, S, 7-23.

  • Miall, A.D., 1973, Markov chain analysis applied to an ancient alluvial plain, succession. Sedimentology. Vol. 20, S. 347-364.

  • Selvi B., 1977, Erzurum-Hinis-Zimak kömür havzasının .raporu.» MTA raporu. No: 6379 (yayınlanmamış)..

  • Sengiller, L, Özdemir, 1., Sulu, K., Gönenç, O., 1991, Muş-Hınıs (Eraırum)-Tütak (Ağrı) Havzasının Jeolojisi ve Linyit Olanaklan .MTA Rapora; No: 9195 (yayınlanmamış).

  • Sengiller, L, Toprak, S., 1991, Varto, Hınıs, Bulanık, .Malazgi it, yöresi linyitlerinin petrografik özellikleri „ Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni. Cilt 34 S. 15-22.

  • Mineralogical and genetic study of iron deposits of the Çifiehan-Koçak (UlukışlalNiğde) district
    Sedat Temur Halil Baş
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    ABSTRACT: The iron ore deposits in the studied area appear in the Elmalı volcanite member or at the contact between this vulcanites and Aktaştepe limestone member of the Upper Senonian-Paleocene aged Çiftehan complex. The dominant mineral, of the iron deposits is magnetite. Magnetite is accompanied in lesser or trace amounts by chalcoyprite» cobaltite, pyrite, bravoite, linnaeite, bornite» millerite, sphalerite, galena, ilmenite» rutile» sphen, anatas, hematite, neodiganite, braunite, oovellite, native gold/electrum, clabrodite, bismutinite and aikinite, `The common gangue mineral is epidote,. Quartz, garnet, pyroxene, amphibol, clorite, cordierite, actinolite and tremolite are the other observed gangue minerals. Ore mineralization can be divided five phases according to cross-cutting, replacement and seperation on inclusion features of the minerals. The iron deposits occuring in scam zones are of contact-metasomatic origine. The mineralization is due to solution derived from plutonic rocks with monsonitic and dioritic compositions. The age of the iron ores is Upper Senonian-Paleocene. The total reserve of the iron deposits in the area is about 200 0001.

  • Çiftehan-Koçak

  • Ulukışla-Niğde

  • İron Deposits

  • Mineralogy

  • Genetics Examination

  • Ateş, Z., 1986, Esendemir Tepe (Koçak-UlukışlaNiğde) manyetit yatağı; Çukurova Univ., Fen Bil. Enst. Yüksek. Lisans Tezi,,, 55 s.

  • Baş, H., Ayhan, A,, ve Atabey,, E., W86, UlukışlaÇamaıdı (Niğde) . volkanıüeriıün bazı petrografik ve jeokimyasal özellikleri; Jeoloji Mühendisliği,,, 26,27-34,.,

  • Baş, H. ve Temur, S., 1991, Çiftehan-KaçakElmalı (Ulukışla-Niğde) yöresi demir, barit ve bakır oluşumları; TÜBÎTAK.TBAG Projesi, No 907,105 s.

  • Billor, M. Z., 1986, Kayseri, ilinin Dere (Çiftehan) dolayının cevherleşmesi ve volkanitleriın jeokimyasal incelemesi; Çukurova Üniv. Fen BİL Enst. Yüksek Lisans Tezi..,

  • Billor, M. Z. ve Anıl, M.,1986, Kayseri ilinin Dere (Çifiehan) dolayında görülen piritkalkopirit-manyctit cevherleşmesi ve Tersiyer volkanizması : C. Ü.MühJFak. Derg:.,,, 1/1,60-74.

  • Borcbeıt, H., 1965., Geosenldinale lagerstraten, was dazu gehört und was nichk dazu gehört, sowie deren Beziehungen zu. Geotectonic und magmatismus; Forschungsh, Freiberg, C, 7,» 7-61.

  • Çağatay, A , 1980, Batı Anadolu çinko-kuışun yataklannın jeoloji-mineıaloji etüdü, ve kökenleri hakkında görüşler; Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bült 23,2, 119-132.

  • Çevîkbaş, A. ve Öztunalı, Ö.f 1991, UlukışlaÇamardı (Niğde) havzasının maden yatakları; Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 39, 22-40.

  • Demirtaşlı, E., Bilgin, Z., Erenler, R, Işıklar, S., Sanlı, D., Selim, M. ve Turan, N., 1973, Bolkar Dağlandın jeolojisi; Cumhuriyetin 50. Yılı Yer Bilimleri Kong. Tebliğler, 42- 57.

  • Duong, P.K., 1969, Skam et mineralisations asoocies; Cronique des mines, 292-360.

  • Ramdohr, P., 1980, The ore minerals .and their intergrawths; Pergaman Frees» Oqford, 1200 s.

  • Tatar, Rt, 1987`, Koçak Köyü Cipcip Dere (NiğdeUlukışla) demir-bakır cevherleşmesinin metalojenezi; Sukurova Üniv. Fen Bil Eııst. Yüksek Lisans Tez

  • Origin of Red Beds in Sedimentary Sequences
    Hükmü Orhan
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    ABSTRACT: There are two hypothesis about the origin of red beds, The first one contends that the hematite is detritally derived, from lateritic soils. The second one espouses the view that the hematite is formed aufhigenically from alteration, of iron bearing minerals. It has been observed that recent sediments from arid and tropical climate arc not red. They redden with, time and the degree of reddening take place with, post deposilional processes rather than predcpositional processes. Any iron bearing mineral is a potential, source for hematite pigment. However, the formation and preservation of red beds takes place if the chemistry of the interstatial environment is suitable.. Red beds by itself should, not be used as climate indicator. In. order to make an interpretation about the climate during deposition, the flora, fauna and relations of red beds with, the eolian sandstone and evaporite should be searched.

  • Sedimentary Stacks

  • Red Layers Origin

  • Sediments

  • Iron

  • Canols, D., 1958, Role of clay minerals in the transportation of Iron; Geochim, et Cosmochim Acta, v. 14, p. 1-27.

  • Chukhrow, F,V,„ 1973,, On mineralogical and geochcmical criteria in the genesis of red beds; Chemical Geology, v, 12,, p. 67-75.

  • Gamels, RM. and Christ, CL., 1965, Solutions, Minerals and Equilibria; Harper & Row, New york, 459 pp.

  • Kiynine, P.D., 1949.» Origin of red `beds; NewYork. Acad. Sei. Trans, Series 2, v. 11, p. 60-68.

  • McBride, E,F., 1974, Significance of color in red, green, purple, olive, brown and gray beds of Difunta Group, Northeastern Mexico; Jour. of Sed, Petrology, v. 44, no. 3, p. 760-773.

  • Pittman, E.D., 1979, Recent advances in sandstone diagenesis; Ann.. Rev. Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 7, p., 39-62..,

  • Turner, P. and. Ixer, R.A., 1977, Diagenetic development of unstable and stable magnetization in the St. Bees Sandstone (Triassic) of Northern England; Earth and Planetary Science Letter, v. 34, p, 113-124.

  • Van Houten, RB., 1973, Origin of red. beds a review: 1961-72; Ann. Rev. Earth and Planetary Sciences, c. 1, p. 39-61.

  • Walker, T.R., 1967, Formation of red beds in modem and .ancient deserts; GeoL Society of America Bull, v. 78, p, 353-368,

  • Walker, T.R., 1974, Formation of red beds in moist tropical climates: A hypothesis;p Geol. Soc. of America Bull-, c. 85, p. 633- 638.

  • Walker, T JR., 1.976, Diagenetic origin oCcontinental red. beds; in R. Falke, (Editor), The Continental Permian in Central West and South Europe; NATO ASI Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences^. 22, h, 240-282.

  • Walker, T.R., 1979, Red color in dune sand; U.S. Geological. Survey Professional Paper 1052, p. 61-81.

  • Precursory crustal movements associated with major earthquakes
    Hayrettin Koral
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    ABSTRACT: A history of anomolous crustal motion precedes major earthquakes. Grustal movements prior to the Kanto (1930; M = 6.9), Nigate (1964; M = 7.0) and Izu-Oshima (1978; M = 6.8) earthquakes in Japan and the Tangshan (1.976; M = 7.8), Haicheng (1976; M = 8.0) and Songpan (1976; M = 7.2) in China are only a few examples. Similar movements have also been reported in Southern California. Experimental studies suggest rock deformation under simulated crustal conditions produces a combination of elastic and inelastic volume dilatancy. Field evidence for gravity decrease, water expulsion and radon emission in seismic regions suggests a mode- of volume dilatancy occur during precursory stages of major earthquakes. Preseismic cmstal movements can therefore be interpreted as surficial expressions of volume dilatancy at subcrustal levels in a `slip-deficient seismic zone.

  • Big Earthquakes

  • Shell Movements

  • Geodesy

  • Deformation of Rocks

  • Aieshidze, GJF., Bella, P.E., Biagi, M., Caputo, V., Chkuaseli, G.» Delia Monica, A,., Ermini, P., Mandjgaladze, G., Melikadze, V.,,» Sgrigna, L., Slavina and D. Zilpimiani, 1992, Anomalies in geophysical and geochemical parameters revealed on the occasion of the Paravanı. (M = 5.6) and Spitak. (M = 6.9) earthquakes (Caucaus), Tectonophysics, 202, 23-41.

  • Aytun, A., 1972, Bingöl depremi raporu, İmar İskan. Bakanlığı, 80 s

  • Brace, W.F., B.W. Paulding and C Scholz, 1966, Dilatancy in the fracture of crystalline rocks, J. Geophysical Res., 71, 3939-3952..,

  • Brace, W.F,, 1978, Volume changes during fracture and Mctional sliding: a review, Pure Appl. Geophys,, 116, 603-614

  • Castle, RX>., J.P. `Church and. M.R. Eliot, 1976, Aseismic uplift in Southern California, Science, 192,251.-253.

  • Crampin, S., Evans, R. and Atkinson, B.Kb., 1984, Earthquake prediction: a new physical basis, Geophys. J.R. Astr. Soc., 76,147-156

  • Dambara, T,..,, 1973, Vertical movem.en.ts before some inland earthquakes in Japan presented at US-Japan Conference, earthquake prediction and control, 1973, Boulder, Colorado.

  • Dambara, T..,, Geodesy and earthquake prediction, 1981, in Current Research in Earthquake Prediction I, edited by T. Rikitake, Center for Academic Publications, Japan/D. Reidel Publishing Compang, Tokyo, 167-220.

  • Earthquake Research Institute, 1980, Seismic activity in. the Izu Peninsula and. its vicinity (November, 1979-April, 1980). Rep. Coord. Comm. Earthquke Prediction, 24, 108-112, (in Japanese).

  • Evans, R., 1984, Anisotropy: a pervasive feature of fault zones?, Geophys. I.R., Astr. Soc, 76, 157-163..,

  • Fyfe, W.S., Price NJ... and Thompson, A.B., 1.978, Fluids in the Earth`s Crust, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

  • Hagiwara, Y., Tajima H. and Hanada, H., 1.978, Gravity changes in the eastern part of Izu Peninsula during 1975-1976, J. Geod. Soc. Japan., 22,201-209.

  • Hauksson, E,., 1981, Radon content of gtoundwater as an earthquake precursor: evaluation of world-wide data physical, basis, J. Geophys, Res.,, 86,9397-9410.

  • McGarr, A, and Ga, N.,C, 1978, State of stress in the earth`s crust, Ann. Rev. Earth Planet Sei,., 6,405-436

  • McGarr, A., 1980, Some constrains on levels of shear stress in the crust from, observations and theory, J. Geophys, Res., 85, 6185- 6222

  • Mogi, K..,, 1977, Dilatancy of rocks under general triaxial stress states with special reference to erathquake precursors, J, Phys. Earth, 25, supp., S203-S217.

  • Mogi, K., Oyagi, N.,, 1991, Prediction and prevention of .geological hazards, Episodes, 293- 298.,

  • Nur, A,, 1974, Matsushiro, Japan, earthqu.ake swa,rm.: confi.rm.ation of the Dilatancy Diffusion Model, Geology, 217-221.

  • Nur, A,.,, 1975, A note on the Constitutive law for Dilatancy, Pure Appl. Geophys., 113, 197- 206.

  • .Raleigh,, B., Beimel. G., Craig, H., Hanks, T., Mölnar, P., Nur, A.„ Savcage, J.f Scholz» C, Turner, R. and Wu, F., 1977, P! retiction of the Haicheog earthquake, EOS, 58, .236-272

  • Savage» J.C., Prescott, W.H., Lisowski, M. and King, N.E., 1977, Strain .accumulation in southern. California, 1973-1980, I, Geophys. Res., 86, 6991-7001.

  • Sibson, R.H., McMooie, J. and Rankin, A.H., 197,5, Seismic pumping a hydrothermal fluid transport mechanism, J. GeoL Soc. London, 131,653-659..

  • Sibson, R.H., 1981, Fluid flow1 accompanying faulting: field evidence and models, in Earthquake Prediction, Maurice Ewing Ser., vol. 4r -edited by D.W. Simpson and R.G. Richards, 593-603, AGU Washington D.C.,

  • Sîbsonf R.H., 1983, Fault zone models, heat low and depth distribution of earthquakes in the continental crust of the United States, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am,.,, 73, 152-163

  • Scholz, CJL,, L.R. and Aggarwal, Y,F., 1.973, Earthquake prediction-a physical basis. Science» 181,803-810.

  • Thatcher, W., 1981, Cmstal defoemation studies and earthquake prediction, research, in Earthquake Prediction» Maurice Ewing Ser., vol. 4, edited by D.W.., Simpson and R.G. Richard, 394-410, AGU, Washington, D...C,

  • Walsh, IB., 1975, An Analysis of Local. Changes in Gravity due to Deformation, Pure Appl. -Geophys., 113,97-106.

  • Wessson» R.L. and. Wallace, R.E., 1985, Predicting the next great earthquake in California, Scientific American, 25.2» 35-43.

  • Wilkins, J.S., 1980, Slow crack growth and delayed failure of granite, Abstr. Int.. J. .Rock Mecfi Min. Sei.., Geomech.» 17, 365-369.

  • Zhang, G.» 1979» The study of creep along the fault near Tangshan before the Tangshan earthquake, in Research in Earthquake Sciences, 1, Seismology Press, 51-52.

  • Zhang» G. and Fu, Z., 1981, Some features of medium and a short-term anomalies before great earthquakes, in Earthquake Pretietion, Maurice Ewing Ser.,, Vol. 4, edited by D.W. Simpson and R.G. Richards, 497-509, AGU, Washington D.C

  • Karst and karstification features of the surrounding area ofBoğsak karsı spring (Mersin-Taşucu)
    Hasan Turgut Öztaş
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    ABSTRACT: The study area located in the Taurides Karst Belt and composed of almost all carbonate rocks. Limestones and dolomites identify as soluble rock units, whereas the sandstone-quartzite and claystone- siltstone identify unsoluble rock units. All these rocks contain various closed drainage areas in densely karstificated regions with numerically identified, linear and areal properties. The different pétrographie properties and chemical compositions of the dolomites, and the microsparitic- micritic-sparitic limestones, as found in the relative solubility experiments, which suggest that gives diagenesis took place in the different steps and relatively soluble scale. The primary porosities aqd permeabilities of these rocks do not practically exist. Under the light of al collected data, the effect of karstification parameteres on. the properties of types and dimensions of the karst landforms in the limestones and dolomites have been investigated in the study area, .and also, a karstification model is suggested, the explanation of development of the karstification in regional scale.

  • Boğsak Karst Source

  • Mersin Taşucu

  • Karstification

  • Toros Karst Belt

  • Orogenic Karst Type

  • Burger, A, 1975, Chimisme des Roches et de l`eau Karstiques, Hydiogeology of Karstic Terraines, Pubi of Int. Assoc. of Hydrageologists, pp. 79-89, France.

  • Ek, CM. 1973, La, Dissolution du Carbonate de Calcium, Bull, de la Soc. Geog. de Liege, No. 9 9e Année, pp. 55-87, Belgium

  • Cenderen, IL, 1969, Technical Exercises for the Sub-Department of Geography, V. II, 208 pp., ITC Textbook, No- 10, The Netherlands

  • James, A.N. 1981, Solution Parameters of Carbonate Rocks, Bull, of the Int. Assoc. of Eng. Geoi, No. 24,19-25,,, Germany.

  • Liszkowski, L 1970, Problems and Methods in Regional. Engineering Geological Research of Karst, First Int.. Cong, of the Assoc. of Eng. Geol. Symp,,, V.., II, pp. 882-891, Czechoslovakia

  • Öztaş, T. 1982, Karstlaşma ve Mühendislik Projelerinde Sayısal Karst. Sınıflaması Kavramı, Jeo. Müh,. Dergisi, S. 13, s., 11-16, Ankaıa.

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  • Sweeting, M.M. 1973, Karst Landfoims, Columbia Univ. Press, 335 pp., USA

  • Thrailkill, J. 1977, Relative Solubilities of Limestone and Dolomite, Karst Hydiogeology (Ed: TOLSGN, J.S. - DOYLE, F.L.), Proceedings of the 12th Int. Cong., Memoirs V. XII, pp.. 491-500, USA.

  • White, W.B. 1977, Role of Solution Kinetics in the Development of Karst Aquifers, Karst Hydrogeology (Ed: TÖLSGN, J.S. - DOYLE, F.L.), Proceedings of the 12th Int., Cong., Mémoire V. XII, pp. 503-517, USA.

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  • Sedimentary Petrological Investigation of the Oligocène Selimiye Formation in The Bolucan (Zara-Siyas) Region
    Orhan Özçelik Mehmet Altunsoy
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    ABSTRACT: In the Bolucan (Zara-Sivas) region, `The Selimiye formation which is Oligocène in age, is composed of gypsium, sandstone, marl and dolomitized limestones. The sandstones are the dominant components of this formation. The sedimentary petrological characteristics of these sandstones have been investigated by using their light, heavy and clay mineral analysis. Chlorite, pyroxcene, biotite, muscovite and heavy mineral such as iron oxide rich opac minerals have been defined as gieywacke, rock fragmented sandstone and litfaic arenite perspectively according to the triangular classification diagrams of Van, Andel (1958) Travis (1970) and Folk et al (1970). In the clastic classifications of Dickinson and Suczek (1979) and Dickinson (1982), mixed and recycled, provenance and orogen sources have been observed

  • Bolucan(Zara-Sivas)

  • Selimiye Formation

  • Sandstones

  • Sedimentary Petrology

  • Artan, Ü., ve Seslini, G., 1971, Sivas-ZaraBeypınan bölgesinin jeolojisi: MTA Derg.,, 76, 80-97.

  • Aıpat, E.,, 1964, Gürlevik Dağı bölgesinin genel jeolojisi ve petrol imkanları: MTA Rap., No: 4180 (yayınlanmamış)

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  • Blumenthal, M, 1937, Kangal ile Divriği arasındaki mıntıkada başlıca jeolojik hatlar: MTA Rap... No: 568 (yayınlanmamış).

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  • Dickinson, W..R,, and Suczek, C.A., 1979, Plate tectonics and sandstone composition: A,AP,G. Bull, 63, 2164-2182.

  • Dickinson, W.R., 1982» Composition and sandstone in circunı pasifle subduction complexes and lore-arc bassins: A.A.P.G. Bull, 66, 121-127.

  • Dickinson, W.R., Beared, L.S., Biankenrdge, G JR., Erjavcc, J.A,, Ferguson, R.C., Inman, K,F.,, Knepp, R.A., Lindberg, F.A., and Ryberg, P.T,,. 1983, Provenance of North American Phanerozoic sandstones in relation to tectonic setting: GeoL Soc. Amer. Bull., 94, 222- 235...

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  • Gökçen, SX., 1981, Zara-Hafik güneyindeki paleojen istifinin sedimantolojisi ve paleocoğrafik evrimi: Yerbilimleri, 8,1-25.

  • Gökçen, S.L., 1982, Zara-Haflk (SE Sivas) ve Refahiye (SW Erzincan) bölgeleri Eosen filisinin sedimanter petrolojik karşılaştırılması: Yerbilimleri, 9,141-147.

  • . Gökçen, S.L.S and Kelling, G., 1985, Oligocène deposits of -the Zara-Hafik region (SivasCentral Turkey): Evolution from, storminfluenced shelf to evaporitic basin.:: Geologische Rundschau 74/1,139-153.

  • Kurtman, F., 1961, Sivas-Divriği arasındaki sahanın jeolojisi ve jipsli seri hakkında müşahedeler: MTA Derg., 56,14-25..

  • Kurtman, F., 1973, Sivas-Hafik-Zara ve İmranlı bölgesinin jeolojik, ve tektonik yapısı: MTA Derg..,, 80,1-32.

  • Nebeıt, K.„ 1956, Sivas Vilayetinin Zara-îmranlı mıntıkasındaki jips serisinin, stratigrafik durumu hakkında: MTA Derg.,, 48,76-82,

  • Norman, T., 1964, Celalli (Hafik) bölgesinin genel jeolojisi: MTA Rap,,, No: 4114, (yayınlanmamış).

  • Travis, R.D., 1970, Nomenclature for sedimentary rock: A./EP.G. Bull, 54,1095-1107.

  • Van Andel, T.J.H., 1958, Origin and classification of Cretaceous, Paleocene and Eocene sandstone of Western Venezuela: A,A.P,G,., Bull., 42, 734-763.

  • Geomechanical properties offimndation rock of the Çambaşı (Trabzon-Çaykara) dam site
    Fikri Bulut Fikret Tarhan
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    ABSTRACT: Çambaşı dam, site is located on `the river of Solaklı, 7 km south of Çaykara town in `the province of Trabzon. Foundation rock of the dam site is metabasalt. In this investigation, lithological, structural, physical., mechanical and. elastic properties of this metabasalt have been determined on the basis of field and laboratory works. Using the results obtained from the field, and. laboratory investigations, the metabasalt has been classified for various engineering purposes. According to these classifications, it is generally medium and well in quality, densely jointed, low in porosity, stiff .and very stiff, semi and. poorly permeable, higiy and extremely strong and average modulus ratio. In edition, the discontinuities in the metabasalt arc intermediately and vide apeitured, and their surfaces are sligth and medium in roughness. There are generally linear relations among physical, mechanical and elastic characteristics of the metabasalt. Maximum anisottopy values computed through these properties show that it can be accepted as isotropic in nature.

  • Çambaşı(Trabzon-Çaykara)

  • Dam Site

  • Bedrock

  • Geomechanical

  • Bieniawski, Z,T,t 1973, Engineering classification of jointed rock masses. The civil engineering in south Africa, Dec. 335-343...

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  • Piteau, R.D.». 1973, Characterizing and extrapolating rock, joint properties in engineering practice. Rock Mech. Suppl. 2,5-3L

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  • Ertem Tunçali B. Cairncros R.i. Hart J.p. Willis
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  • South Africa

  • Witbank Coal Layers

  • Sedimentology

  • Geochemistry

  • Gönül Çetinel
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  • Gold

  • Economy

  • İndustrial Use

  • Serpil Erk
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  • Calcareous Microfossils

  • Limestone

  • Knitter Metod

  • Dunham, R. J,, 1962. Classification of carbonate rocks according to depositional texture. In `"Classification of carbonate rocks`"1 a symposium (Ed, W. E. Ham), AAPG, p, 108-121.

  • Folk, RJL, 1962, Petrology of sedimentary rocks, Hemphill Publ. Com., Texas.

  • Knitter, H. s 1979, Eine verbesserte méthode zur gewionung von mikrofosilien aus harten,, nicht scHammbaren kalken, Geol. BL NoBayem, v. 29, n. .2/3, p. 182-186.

  • Lund, IX, Georgi» K.H., 1990, Biostratigraphy of •the Neogene in the iskenderun basin, 8... Petroleum Congress of Turkey, Proceedings, p. 363-370,

  • Güler Can
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  • Sepiolitic Clay

  • Squid

  • Meerschaum

  • Eskişehir

  • Ernur Erden
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  • Radioactivity

  • Radiation

  • Chernobyl

  • Erden, E., Çevre Soranları Açısından Nükleer Enerji, Türkiye ve Orta Doğu Amme İdaresi Enstitüsü, Kamu Yönelim Lisans Üstü Uzmanlık Programı, Uzmanlık (Master) Tezi Ankara, 1983.

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